Baker, a trans-identified biological male and convicted felon, was arrested in July after calling for...
"Do you think by Christmas...the facts will be so convincing that we could be in impeachment inquiry ...
"It seems that the NHS is willing to erase women so they can please radical ideologically-driven camp...
The former mercenary chief was confirmed dead via DNA testing on Sunday....
"We're not seeing much from him that would suggest he's running for office."...
“I've read the 14th amendment… There's nothing there."...
"If the parliamentarians realize that we need to do this, then let's quickly change the legislation a...
"In a true democratic society, you cannot have people being arrested for a few Tweets."...
The goal of this bill is to make it easier for trans-identifying adults to legally change identities....
"Women and our sisters cannot go to Band-e-Amir until we agree on a principle."...
"They want to be recognized as the gender that their mind and soul has always told them that they are...
In 2022, the EPA found that exposure to PFAS in drinking water is toxic to humans....
Children may engage in sexual games as part of their “sexual exploration.”...
The university has had no issue with recently inviting speakers who advocate for values that go direc...