Stuart Worby, 40, procured the abortion medications mifepristone and misoprostol through a friend who...
"With the capture of alias La Muñeca and alias Leopaldo, a period of calm has been created in the reg...
"Horrible situation. It never should have happened."...
"They chose disorder."...
"They're saying we need to kill more CEOs. They're saying we need to go after Elon Musk next."...
"You weren't supposed to oppose a nominee just because you disagree with their political philosophy o...
The name stems from the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam....
"Because I put my legal career first," she said, "There was no time for children...I grieved the loss...
“Based on the advice of the examining doctor, the public prosecutor suspended the jail sentence again...
The parents of Yonatan Samerano, whose body has been held by Hamas since the terrorist group’s Octobe...
"As this mission may soon come to an end, I can tell you that it will remain an honor for me to have ...
Macron reportedly lobbied for Trump’s attendance as part of a broader effort by European leaders to s...
Zelensky also admitted Ukraine doesn’t have ‘enough forces’ to reclaim its occupied land....
"It's a place where there's virtually zero accountability. It's largely lawless."...