John Solomon tells Charlie Kirk that Biden’s email pseudonyms are a ‘Hillary Clinton-like problem’

"Do you think by Christmas...the facts will be so convincing that we could be in impeachment inquiry phase?”

"Do you think by Christmas...the facts will be so convincing that we could be in impeachment inquiry phase?”

Charlie Kirk invited John Solomon, who he refers to as “one of the most important investigative journalists in America,” to his podcast Tuesday to address the bombshell reports that Biden had used a fake email address during his tenure as Vice President.

“Is it true that this fake email account had over 5000 emails directed to it? And how many email addresses did he have,” Kirk asked.

“There are a total of three, two are Gmail accounts,” Solomon responded. He explained that the origin of the address ending in is unknown. “We do not know if that's a redirect, meaning that it was an alias…. We are still digging into it.”

The addresses belonged to pseudonyms the then Vice President would use including Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters and JBR Ware.

Solomon was the first to break the discovery of these email addresses back in 2021.

“Between those three accounts, National Archives say they have a total of 5400 emails that either went to, or from, those accounts that conducted government business.”

“That's a Hillary Clinton-like problem for Joe Biden.”

He then expanded on the address, claiming that he cannot find any other places using this domain and that it might be a “redirect.”

“We're still trying to figure those things out, as are our Senate and House investigators who've been on the case for two years and yet not been able to get answers.”

Kirk posed the idea that each account could be linked to a different foreign deal, referencing China and Ukraine treason.

Solomon explained that the topics were varied across all three addresses and it appeared multiple people used them, adding that Joe Biden may have switched to a different one each year.

“That's one theory that investigators have but a lot more digging needs to occur. The fact that the National Archives won't release these records without having to go to court, like we're doing with the Southeastern Legal Foundation. Frustrating, right?…they've been dragging their feet on [these emails] since I asked for them back in the summer of 2021 and in the fall of 2021.”

Solomon elaborated on the function of the National Archives, stating that it is “the nation’s historical agency” and that it is a disservice to the American people to not be able to supply these reports and documents immediately. “These are government work products. We the People should own them.”

Kirk’s asked his final question to Solomon: “Do you think by Christmas, John, the evidence will be so overwhelming, that the facts will be so convincing that we could be in impeachment inquiry phase?”

Solomon responded by asking a list of rhetorical questions: “Will witnesses cooperate? Does Eric Schwerin come in and give the sort of testimony that we got from earlier business partners like Devon Archer? Does Devon Archer, who has a whole secret stash of documents that Congress hasn't been [able to get] a hold of because a law firm retention company got them? Do those documents blow up and show things that we don't know about that, maybe, Devon Archer was hinting at? Will we get more bank records?”

He continued, “I think there's a lot of history to be written before we can make us a really strong prediction. I like to stick with the facts. I will say this, there is a roadmap for new and explosive facts to come out.”

John Solomon will be releasing a new whistleblower document from someone involved in the SEC which will include complaints about Hunter Biden dating back to fall 2016.

Solomon concludes, “I do know this. The Biden White House is a lot more nervous than it was six months ago.”

Image: Title: Charlie John Solomon


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