Willem Van Spronsen was a member of the Antifa paramilitary organization, the Puget Sound John Brown ...
Just one problem: 1,400 years of history and present-day reality show that it doesn’t....
“Honestly, if I were a Democrat, I would call me up and say, here’s a lot of money for a primary chal...
Dr. David Mackareth claims he was fired for his refusal to "call any six-foot-tall bearded man ‘madam...
The British Green Party’s Magid Magid arrived in Brussels two weeks ago to begin his term as a Member...
Facebook's latest policy update supported violence against Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones....
After the White House Social Media Summit earlier today, President Trump held an announcement about t...
President Trump is expected to announce an executive order on the citizenship question on the U.S. ce...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti wore a t-shirt bearing the face of Subha...
A court in France has ruled that an Islamic State adherent responsible for one of the most devastatin...
Britain's Ambassador to the United States has been effectively declared persona non grata by the Pres...
A teenage student at Mearns Academy in Aberdeenshire, Scotland was removed from class, suspended, and...
A parody account of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was forced to shut down after leftist activists doxed th...
The Muslim Brotherhood's vehement refusal to acknowledge Israel is an existential threat to any viabl...