The confirmation process for Judge Amy Coney Barrett kicked off Monday with a barrage of lectures for...
Earlier this month, Lancaster, PA’s Democrat Mayor Danene Sorace announced the “retirement” of the to...
Amid constant pressure from Republicans to answer one simple question — do Biden and Harris plan to “...
To Tell the Truth is Human Events News’ press analysis series. These stories will focus on “news” bei...
During Wednesday’s Vice-Presidential debate, Kamala Harris addressed questions of racial justice by t...
A seemingly innocuous “get well soon” public message to the President and First Lady was denied place...
Amid social upheaval, reports indicate that nearly 5 million people bought their first gun this year....
Trump returned to the White House Monday night after having spent the weekend in Walter Reed National...
Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo recently made headlines when he said that “me-first capitalists” are ...
New York Metropolitan OperaRecently, the Metropolitan Opera of New York announced it was canceling sh...
Last night’s Presidential debate triggered the predictable mainstream media “fact-checking” activity,...
The Hughes Court, 1932–1937.As the country prepares for a confirmation vote on Supreme Court Justice ...