Do not let this Thomas Jefferson moment pass without seizing it to jumpstart devolution back to the f...
Despite all he had said against Trump, Biden revealed once and for all that he was the one determined...
"I think a lot of us share in the impression that our culture has been stuck for a long time, and it'...
"Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of t...
“I was saved by God to Make America Great Again.”...
A political party that denies reality, is philosophically incoherent and contradictory, and will not ...
Through Trump's plans, he seeks to bring America back to its glory......
Over the past four years, the Democrats have squandered credibility, alienated key demographics, and ...
Even champions of limited government have a compelling reason to advocate for a return to specialized...
Ideally, the right approach would be empowering the American people and their infrastructure....
Rather than embracing stoicism and coming armed with facts and data, Democrat Senators resorted to em...
For them, this was an INQUISITION reminiscent of the one that started in Spain....
America got a veritable buffet menu of loathsome ex-wife archetypes to choose from....
The wildfires in California are a horrible tragedy and my heart sincerely breaks for the people affec...