EPIC: Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Libby Emmons, Savanah Hernandez speak out on how new conservative media is taking over

"A liberated Twitter is a direct threat to the Democrats getting another four years in the White House."

"A liberated Twitter is a direct threat to the Democrats getting another four years in the White House."

Jack Posobiec joined Libby Emmons, Charlie Kirk, and Savanah Hernandez onstage during the Turning Point Action Conference on Sunday, explaining how independent media has been a substantial force in pushing back against the mainstream media. 

"The idea that Twitter, which I started as a joke over a decade ago, to make fun of 'Game of Thrones' while I was on deployment in the US Navy, has turned into what it has now, to the point where it's become this free speech blowtorch, a cluster munition against the mainstream media," Posobiec said. "Because when we dropped truth on there, we're able to share it faster."

He continued, "We're able to blow up their narratives faster than ever before. We were actually able, and I have some issues with the way Elon [Musk] has run things, but in general, in general, it has been possibly one of the most historic moves for freedom of speech in the last 10 to 15 years, and it is putting the pressure ... we're already seeing the pressures on Zuckerberg, [who is] freaking out right now."

Posobiec mentioned that people don't go to Instagram or Threads for opinions; they go to Twitter. He also mentioned because of the way independent media has developed, independent sources are now able to fact-check the FBI, something that wasn't previously possible.

Emmons said: "I think, also, people always say that Twitter is not real life. But it is the place where ideas are discussed. And it's sort of unprecedented in human history, that we have a place where we can all gather and talk about ideas in real time and figure out what's going on."

Emmons gestured toward Hernandez and Kirk on the stage, and said, "I just want to say, like, how much I respect the work that you guys were doing outside Dodger Stadium. I thought that was just so beautiful to just take a stand for, you know, faith and morality and for families."

Kirk suggested that the audience stop reading reports from the institutional media, saying that "I also want to encourage you guys to make Human Events and The Post Millennial daily websites you guys visit. You know, I get asked all the time, 'Charlie, you know, where do I get [information]?' The Post Millennial [is a] go-to place, they do such a great job. And it really should be a top website for you to go to ... Stop reading the more institutional websites guys, they're not telling the truth. They're bought and paid for by the bad guys."

Kirk noted that a "liberated Twitter is a direct threat to the Democrats getting another four years in the White House. If Elon Musk can keep Twitter the way it is, and yes, there's a Deep State of Twitter and all this, but it's, it's an exceptionally better platform." But Kirk noted that it's possible Musk could turn his back on the free speech element of the platform, noting that the government could take extreme measures in the future.

In a key moment that appears to highlight a large change in the attitudes of conservative consumers of media, Posobiec asked, “how many people in this room, in the last year, whether it was the firing of Tucker or other, have stopped watching Fox News?”

Posobiec’s question was met with a flurry of cheers, along with many hands being held up throughout the venue.

Image: Title: tpusa


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