Majority of Americans Concerned About Supply Chain Disaster, Expect Federal Action

According to a new Rasmussen Reports/Human Events poll, a majority of Americans are concerned about problems affecting the U.S. supply chain and expect the federal government to take action.  Americans Concerned About Supply Chain Crisis, Expect Federal Action Sponsored by @HumanEvents #supplychaincrisis — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 14, 2021 The poll found that 85 […]

  • by:
  • 03/02/2023

According to a new Rasmussen Reports/Human Events poll, a majority of Americans are concerned about problems affecting the U.S. supply chain and expect the federal government to take action.  Americans Concerned About Supply Chain Crisis, Expect Federal Action Sponsored by @HumanEvents #supplychaincrisis — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 14, 2021 The poll found that 85 […]

According to a new Rasmussen Reports/Human Events poll, a majority of Americans are concerned about problems affecting the U.S. supply chain and expect the federal government to take action. 

The poll found that 85 percent of American adults are concerned that supply chain problems may lead to shortages of basic items. Of that group, 49 percent say they are very concerned and only 11 percent are not concerned. 

62 percent of Americans say they’ve already noticed shortages of basic items in stores, amid reports that dozens of cargo ships are waiting to be unloaded in Los Angeles, and thousands are piled up in Savannah. 

A whopping 65 percent believe the federal government should step up to the plate and take action. 18 percent are against the government stepping in, and 17 percent are not sure. 

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