While the disadvantages of aging are often lamented and discussed, there are a few perks. One of whic...
Honoring the veterans of Afghanistan and the sacrifice they made for our country....
Twitter’s political abuse of rules meant to crack down on hacking undermines the viability of these v...
The former Governor is the personification of liberal hypocrisy, narcissism, and media manipulation....
For Democratic elites, only politically convenient lives matter....
Offering pleas to misdemeanors and dismissing felonies violates written DOJ policies....
The partisan committee isn't investigating insurrection; it's rehabilitating the Democrats' weak-on-c...
How American elites co-opt popular demonstrations of discontent....
We who have lived in communist countries recognize the signs: American freedom of speech and thought ...
Sweeping claims of “systemic racism” do not justify discriminating against white Americans....
Ownership and territory in the next century....
This ongoing Special Collection features current and historical analysis investigating how communist ...
Welcome to From the Dissident’s Desk, a Human Events’ weekly reflection piece wherein various events ...
American students, from grade school through graduate school, are being kept ignorant about the viole...