Watch the latest episode of Thoughtcrime here!...
"This is actually such a shocking moment in American journalist history," Benz stated. "These are hig...
"Mass demoralization is the goal."...
“I’ve been doing politics for 35 years and I’ve never known it. It’s outrageous. This isn’t how Briti...
It's essential to address the root causes of these things: violent, fatherless subcultures, which are...
How long before some crazy who should never have been allowed into the military suicide bombs the Isr...
“We also have weapons that can strike targets on their territory,” he said. “Do they not understand t...
"President Nixon used to tell me when looking for a vice presidential running mate, don't look for so...
"You see the psyops beginning. Not just from that perspective, but from the TikTok perspective ... yo...
At best, Navalny was a confused narcissist who managed to get in way over his head in a misguided que...
The authors of the study concluded that its subjects needed comprehensive mental healthcare and not l...
Why is Russia still jailing — and murdering — political dissidents? Doesn’t Tucker wonder that?...
"We are protesting because we want the 'green deal' to be lifted, as it will lead our farms to bankru...
"When we see something, we start pulling threads, and those threads sometimes unravel a tapestry,"...
A sloppy, overbroad bill like this, which could and would be weaponized by well-heeled Leftists both ...