"President Trump's talking about creating a federal task force to go against Christian persecution."...
The regulator, Roskomanadzor, ordered the messaging and VoIP social platform to delete almost 1,000 i...
Fenix said that despite their devastating first-game loss, what mattered most is that trans-identifie...
"I’m afraid of being tricked again or used as material for their media."...
A strong Israel isn’t just about the survival of the Jewish state; it’s about maintaining stability i...
One of the terrorists throws a grenade into the shelter after them. The next thing that can be seen i...
“An immediate ceasefire is essential in Gaza as in Lebanon. We must avoid the escalation of tensions,...
“After a lengthy discussion, the University of Wyoming will not play its scheduled conference match a...
"In a complex operation coordinated between Israel, the United States, and other international actors...
"What our armed forces did was the least punishment they could do” against Israel, he said....
“La Honda-Prescadero cannot discriminate based on their race when hiring or making other employment d...
“Over the next year, we expect some individuals with terrorism ties and some criminal actors will con...
"Why wasn't that order signed that very night? This is what the 82nd Airborne is for. You waited a we...
"We’d be forced to stop linking to news content on Google Search, Google News, or Discover surfaces i...
Minimum wage hike-induced job losses may account for increases in larceny arrests and overall crimina...