The regulator, Roskomanadzor, ordered the messaging and VoIP social platform to delete almost 1,000 items it deemed illegal last week which Discord failed to do, per Reuters. It had previously imposed fines on the company for failing to remove banned content just as it has done with other foreign technology platforms for several years. Moscow blocked Twitter, now known as X, as well as Facebook and Instagram shortly after they invaded Ukraine in February 2022.
Russia's TASS news agency reported that Discord was officially blocked in the country on Tuesday, although the platform did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.
"The access to the Discord is being restricted in connection of violation of requirements of Russian laws, compliance with which is required to prevent the use of the messenger for terrorist and extremist services, recruitment of citizens to commit them, for drug sales, and in connection with unlawful information posting," Moscow's press service informed TASS.
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