BRYAN LEIB: Why we need four more years of President Trump

Donald Trump is not just the candidate of common sense and conservative values; he is the only candidate that actually cares about America’s future.

Donald Trump is not just the candidate of common sense and conservative values; he is the only candidate that actually cares about America’s future.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, America faces a choice—return to the strength and prosperity of the Trump era, or continue down the path of economic decline, energy dependence, and rising crime under the Biden-Harris administration. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Donald Trump is not just the candidate of common sense and conservative values; he is the only candidate that actually cares about America’s future. We need four more years of President Trump to restore energy independence, make our streets safer, rebuild our economy, and reassert America’s strength on the world stage.

Under President Trump, America achieved something that many thought impossible—energy independence. We became a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in decades, reducing our reliance on volatile foreign markets and hostile regimes like Russia and Iran. This wasn’t just an economic achievement; it was a national security imperative. When America leads in energy production, we have the leverage to negotiate from a position of strength, lowering global energy prices and protecting our allies.

Contrast that with the Biden-Harris administration’s war on American energy. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris killed the Keystone XL pipeline on Day One and has been throttling U.S. oil and gas production through regulations and red tape ever since. His policies have made gas prices soar, driven inflation, and left Americans vulnerable to the whims of foreign dictators. Donald Trump will bring back energy independence on Day One, lowering gas prices and ensuring that American families aren’t paying the price for Biden’s Green New Deal fantasy.

Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, crime has skyrocketed in cities across the nation. The “defund the police” movement, which they failed to condemn until it became politically inconvenient, has demoralized law enforcement and left our streets more dangerous than ever. Violent crime, drug trafficking, and lawlessness have become the new normal in once-great cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. This is unacceptable.

Donald Trump stands with our law enforcement officers. During his presidency, he championed initiatives that provided police departments with the resources and training they needed to do their jobs effectively. Crime rates were lower, and Americans felt safer. Trump’s vision for the future includes restoring law and order to our cities by cracking down on violent criminals, holding corrupt prosecutors accountable, and restoring trust between police officers and the communities they serve. Biden-Harris’s America is chaotic; Trump's America is secure.

The Biden-Harris economy is an economy in decline. Inflation is eating away at the wages of hardworking Americans, small businesses are struggling to stay afloat, and job creation is lagging. Under Trump, we saw a booming economy that lifted Americans across the socioeconomic spectrum. Black, Hispanic, and Asian unemployment rates reached historic lows. Small businesses thrived, wages rose, and the stock market hit record highs.

Trump’s policies of low taxes, deregulation, and trade deals that put American workers first created an environment where businesses could grow and hire, and where families could afford to live comfortably. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has reintroduced high taxes, burdensome regulations, and reckless government spending that has only fueled inflation. We need Trump’s pro-business, pro-growth agenda to get our economy back on track.

In just a few short years, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have undermined America’s leadership in the world. From the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan to emboldening China and Iran, their foreign policy has been one of weakness and retreat. Under Trump, America was respected and feared. He stood up to China, brought historic peace deals to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, and kept our enemies at bay.

America needs a leader who puts the interests of our nation first—who understands that peace through strength is not just a slogan, but a strategy. Donald Trump will stand up to China, defend Israel, and restore America’s standing in the world. We cannot afford another four years of Biden’s feckless foreign policy that puts our nation and our allies at risk.

Donald Trump is the leader America needs to reclaim its greatness. From restoring energy independence and safety in our streets, to creating jobs and making America stronger on the world stage, his policies are the solution to the challenges we face today.

The Biden-Harris administration has proven that it is incapable of delivering results for the American people. For the sake of our economy, our security, and our future, we need four more years of President Donald J. Trump.

Bryan E. Leib is the CEO of Henry Public Relations and a senior fellow at the Center for Fundamental Rights in Budapest, Hungary. He is on X @BryanLeibFL


Image: Title: trump


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