“Those who predicted a return of double-digit inflation couldn’t be more wrong.” — Jeremy Siegel Last...
Gross Output (GO), a broadened measure of U.S. economic activity, advanced to nearly $30.9 trillion i...
Border security is national security. Both are about to be sacrificed in the name of ideology and pol...
Halloween is behind us, but some weird tales are still coming out of Washington. The latest Tale From...
Unanswered questions remain about Hamas' use of U.N. facilities to launch rockets during the last Gaz...
The FDA needs to consider fill the potential benefits of e-cigarettes, as well as the many unintended...
The GOP picked up at least eight seats in the U.S. Senate, voters in four states under GOP control ap...
Comcast said it applauds President Obama???s proposed net neutrality rules while disagreeing on how t...
Unlike the dog that chased the car until, to its consternation, he caught it, Republicans know what t...
The U.S. has reason to want such a deal....
Life Legal Defense Foundation asks court to uphold Texas law....
Obama misread his 2008 victory as a call to "transform America." Voters don't want America transforme...
Suddenly their love for Gaia matters a lot less than saving Mary Landrieu's Senate seat....
When used properly, hormones are powerful forces for healing. Used correctly, they can also be a woma...