Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential announcement was immensely gratifying in numerous ways, including the ve...
It is amazing how a simple question can cause a complex lie to collapse like a house of cards. The si...
Though “Bibi” Netanyahu won re-election last week, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation...
Rahm Emanuel heads into a runoff April 7 in his bid for a second term as mayor of Chicago. He’s the f...
"Devotion to Islam" never makes the cut among progressives....
This week in Congress is all about the budget. Both the House and the Senate are preparing to debate ...
The Economist magazine recently published "What's gone wrong with Democracy ... and what can be done ...
On Sunday, March 15, as Christian churches around the world were celebrating morning mass, two church...
By Bryan Perry, new Eagle Financial Publications Investment Expert The latest Fed policy statement wa...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report on March 9 projecting Obamacare premium price...
The huge-er government gets - the greater its ability to deliver cronyism goodies....
Don't just rely on Benjamin Netanyahu's passionate advice to Congress on his way to reelection that I...
Democracy is a beautiful thing. It???s a shame when an elderly wealthy casino owner tries to cut a ch...
This week’s ETF Talk returns us to the realm of large American companies. There are a variety of ways...