ROD THOMSON: Past time to end the months-long lame duck

It is past time to look at a Constitutional amendment that would dramatically shorten the time between the election of a new president and the inauguration of the new president.

It is past time to look at a Constitutional amendment that would dramatically shorten the time between the election of a new president and the inauguration of the new president.

If there was ever a 10 weeks that made it clear we need a Constitutional amendment on when a new president is inaugurated, it is the 10 weeks we are living through right now.

Even though he is, in practicality, not president now, Joe Biden technically remains President of the United States through Jan. 20, 2025. Everyone in the world, literally, knows he is not up to being president and that whoever is actually running the White House holds to a radical leftism that the American people soundly rejected way back on Nov. 5.

But the technicality living in Delaware is still kind of a big deal. Major events happening in the world require a U.S. response. And while Donald Trump is masterfully working all of these areas in the literal absence of the actual president, he has no real authority for more than another month.

And that’s a growing problem because the leftists running the Biden administration are working overtime to sabotage the incoming Trump administration.

Trump ran on promising to end the killing fields in Ukraine, but the Biden leftists have expanded the U.S. role in that war, with the use of ballistic missiles and shoveling billions in taxpayer money to the Ukraine government as fast as they can before being shoved out the door.

Trump ran on promising to make all federal workers return to actual work, not a particularly radical notion. But the Biden leftists inked a new contract with 42,000 federal government workers allowing them to continue to work — and mostly non-work — from home through 2029 when Trump will be out of office.

One of Trump’s biggest promises was to close and secure the southern border and begin mass deporting illegal aliens — both actions with strong support among the American people. But the Biden leftists are rushing a mobile ICE app to the market to cram through as many illegal aliens “legally” as possible. And they are selling off the last remaining wall-building materials at pennies on the dollar just to make it more expensive and time-consuming for Trump to keep this promise. They clearly care nothing for American taxpayers.

And the Biden leftists are considering blanket pardons for Democrat cronies who have not even been charged, let alone convicted, of any crimes. Trump promised to hold the lawless in the administration accountable.

None of these things would have happened if there were not months of time for nefarious elements in the White House to keep sabotaging. Who knows how much more they will do with the weeks left, unconstrained by any worries about how actions might play with the electorate.

And, of course, there is the problem that the Middle East is melting down, China is swarming the Taiwan straits, South Korea is in a weird and dangerous place, North Korea is sending troops to fight with the Russians, Chinese hackers remain encamped in American telecoms and now we have drone swarms over New Jersey and Maryland while the U.S. appears to be doing nothing. If any of these get worse, or a major, immediate crisis hits, the shell Biden administration will have to deal with it, even months after our election that saw the American people give that administration the boot.

And so, it is past time to look at a Constitutional amendment that would dramatically shorten the time between the election of a new president and the inauguration of the new president.

It is admittedly a big ask. The inauguration date is in the Constitution, in the 20th Amendment, which was not ratified until 1933, to replace the original inauguration date of March 4. In 1932, in the crisis of the Great Depression, Congress proposed the date-change amendment. By early 1933, it had been ratified by enough states to become part of the Constitution and take effect after the presidential election of 1936. It was a very fast amendment.

This concept was debated in 2008, when the economy was tanking and lame duck President Bush was limping to the end of his term and the nation awaited the Obama inauguration. At that time, it was Democrats who were frustrated.

Even in this era of deep red-blue division, there should be plenty of bipartisan support for such an amendment. In fact, it is hard to see a defense for keeping it the way it is.

Rod Thomson is a former daily newspaper reporter and columnist, Salem radio host and ABC TV commentator, and current Founder of The Thomson Group, a Florida-based political consulting firm. He has eight children and seven grandchildren and a rapacious hunger to fight for America for them. Follow him on Twitter at @Rod_Thomson. Email him at [email protected].

Image: Title: trump biden


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