VIDEO LEAK: Arrested child trafficker admits to boarding school used as front for organ harvesting network in Ukraine

“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned…"

“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned…"


In a video confession of a child trafficker who was caught on Ukraine-Slovakian border, the trafficker admits that he had higher involvement in the trafficking of kids from a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. 

Child trafficker and ex-teacher, Denys Varodi, 43, had allegedly given a $1000 down payment for the 11-month-old baby. He was arrested on the Ukraine-Slovakian border and put in prison. In a video obtained by journalist, Vitaliy Glagola, Varodi’s cellmate recorded a video where he admits and exposes more child trafficking he was involved in at the school he taught at. 

Varodi said that he and other traffickers were involved in various activities with a “charity organization.” The charity worked with orphaned students at a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. According to Varodi, many of these trips for students went to places such as “Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America."

During the various trips of the students, lawyers working with the trafficker would falsify documents of the students’ travel and some were allegedly “adopted.”

In reality, according to Varodi “children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation.”

“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned… between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers,” Varodi continued. 

Students started asking questions about where the other orphans had gone during the trips and some faculty in the school. made excuses for why kids had disappeared. 

Varodi explained that as a general rule, children at the school were selected for “organ transplants.”

“They were mostly orphans who had no parents,” Varodi said. “Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are.” 

One police officer with the name of “Sasha” had also allegedly taken several girls from the school on a regular basis. Other employees at the school saw him take “two girls… constantly.” He would take them in the evening and return them in the morning time. Glagola described the events as happening “systematically.”

According to Glagola, in the video, Varodi “accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution's lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director's son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs.”

Glagola called on law enforcement to investigate further into the crimes. 

Below is the translated telegram caption from journalist Vitaliy Glagola that he posted with the video: 

I got my hands on a video of the communication of the child trafficker Denys Varoda, who is currently in the Uzhgorod pre-trial detention center. The video confession was recorded right there by one of Varodi's cellmates. Subtitles were superimposed (with errors).

In the video, the child trafficker Denys Varodi admits that he was clearly aware that he was taking children "to organs". Despite the fact that he told the parents that the children would be adopted into European families.

In this sensational video by Denys Varodi, it is said that in Perechyn, children of the former boarding school were taken abroad for organs in 2010-2014. And also several cases [from] 2016-2018.

In the video, Denys Varodi also accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution's lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director's son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs to EU countries.

In addition, the man told how the girls were taken from the institution in the evening by authorized police officers and brought back only in the morning. According to the man's statement, this happened systematically.

Now it's up to the law enforcement officers and the court. I call on the law enforcement officers and competent services to immediately investigate the information from Denys Varodi's confessions and check the credibility of the accusations.

And in general, I'm just in shock. Even if we imagine that only 10% of these statements are true.


Below is the translated cell testimony of Varodi: 

Speaker1: [00:00:00] You order a frame, including on the facade of the house, which was previously selected with you, when he gave, when was the last time. Yesterday Voloshyn told me how to cross the street and gave me the money. The look with the mark showed everything about who you are hair. Why for your concessions, for what statement are you abroad now? Who will we choose in the winter from patriotism? Where did Ukraine's beautiful self get caught with him? You knew that this is not the first time that you are putting them on the bodies of this legislation, and in general, it introduces such concepts for the age. Haven't you heard? The change to the toponym had time only for the organs, but the woman did not already know the child for the interpersonal organs. To bring her out here, as already noticed, they are tired. She made all the proofs for herself. And experts should know why a child should go to the organs. The amendment was news. Yes, yes, the past died directly, And the first woman is also not easy. But the pregnant woman thought that the child would be born there, like a surrogate mother went to her because she knew that the child was going to the family, but in fact the child was going where he was helping to make his own child. Love was for organs and to go, then he knew and that friend of yours knew too. I would like to thank him and speak loudly. He heard and knew the task, he knew that it was not about organs, about health, as it is now. Denis Yosypovych. On the twenty-sixth of January, nineteen eighty-th year of birth, living across the river, Luzhanska street, eighty-fourth of the Perechyn District, worked at the Perechyn Boarding School for orphans and children deprived of parental care.


Speaker1: [00:02:19] He also worked as the head of the Heart with Love charity organization. The organization provided help from the number of orphans to graduates of boarding schools, to the elderly, namely in the form of food kits received from various organizations. I know people like the participants who sent their children abroad allegedly for treatment or during the holidays. This is Vasyl Fedorovych Koba, the director of a boarding school who lives in the city of Perechyn. Vlad Vizer Olga, a lawyer who lives in the village of Yablunytsia, Perechyn district, and Vasyl Vasyliovych Koba, the director's son, who lives in the city of Uzhhorod. These persons often took their children on holiday abroad during summer vacations, as well as from 2010 to 2014. It is either Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America, and so on. Olya van Wiese created these persons and worked as a lawyer who made false or false documents. And during all this, children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation. If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned in parts between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers. Some students asked questions. The answer was short and clear, and the children on the list are currently being treated. Some time passes, we asked questions again and were told the following words: If you want to work, work, and if you don't, then quit. In fact, it was a question, as a rule, of a closed type, that it is secret information, where and where it is, where the children are, whether we are adopted or not adopted.


Speaker1: [00:04:49] As a rule. Children were selected for organ transplantation. They were mostly orphans who had no parents or who had children taken from their parents and deprived of parental care. Mostly children who were taken abroad. Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are. That is, this suggests that children after the presentation of the organ, such as Arthur, Adam and the three girls, unfortunately, are in a coma. I do not remember that they are not alive at all. And I think I know for sure that these children went for organ transplants, but some were checked at the boarding school. Namely, these are employees of the Ministry of Education from the Department of Education and other stations. They covered it all. I think that if this trio could compensate such cases financially and close this issue. From time to time inspections were carried out and it was all kept quiet. Knowing that children do not return abroad, I also knew this, and I could not do anything. The same goes for other fellow teachers who worked at that institution. Why? Because their fellow villager had an adequate salary. There were always prizes. And we all valued the fact that we have a salary and have something to feed our family. Dmytro Sasha, who worked in Greece in the police, headed the position in children's affairs and constantly went to pick up girls. He drove, took out the performers. At first he said that it was for prevention, then to have some conversations, some investigations, then he bought ice cream, then Coke and so on.


Speaker1: [00:07:10] But many teachers began to pay attention to this and began to write reports to the principal. Wow, why is Sasha Koval taking girls, two girls. He constantly took two girls, Olya and Vasylina, both. But teachers have already seen and heard about it. And they wrote a statement in the name of the principal that Sasha Dmitriev is constantly withdrawing children from school. Then the director is all. Sometime in the spring, Sasha Odylyv quit his job and went abroad. And it was somewhere around Look for information about how many should have a shower, how many children, especially how many he came, took them. He came, then in the afternoon he took them, in the evening he brought them, then in the evening he took them, and in the morning he brought everything. It went on like this for about a week or two, maybe three. There was no owner of such lessons. The educators themselves have already written a statement that he is withdrawing children from school. And the director has a specific task. I know, think and know that things were taken there. This is from our side, from my side. Well, it can't be like that. At school, the principal didn't know if we were ashamed. Cameras were everywhere, and the teacher did not receive a statement to him even once. It's just that when the majority of statements of various content have already been gathered, it can end in a big scandal. For some, it takes him all the time, the girl spoke very much in his eyes. Even Kosy says Stop picking up girls and bring them in the morning. Well, because of this incident, he took the girls out all the time. And I know that Vasyl Petrovich Koba says he knew about this, because without his permission it is impossible to take children out of the school.


Speaker1: [00:09:11] He constantly emphasized that children should be at school, study and engage in various methods. But about these two girls, whom Sasha took away, almost the entire school staff knew, they already started talking loudly. Sasha had to resign from the position of head of children's affairs. And where did you take the children? Where do you think I'm from? How was it taken for divorce? That's why I can't officials. There were quite a few people, too, in the police there was a captain in affairs, a chief in affairs, there is a manager, then a big position is needed individually, he would choose his own or friends, or a tower for high-ranking officials. A fifteen-year-old girl in the middle of the road near Lviv. The director of the courses, Oleg Novikov, is in the course, because a statement was written to him, and then he will stop it all, because it ended in a big scandal two weeks ago. Allegedly from something, because the first trips with children's concerts to Holland began. The conclusion of these concerts I have to adopt a child for myself, because to a greater extent, the truth. I don't remember Bobby's last name now, he adopted him. The child was now cured by Janush's circle. But then, over time, Janusz began to be a sponsor of the institution and trips were made more often, either to adopt children, or to go abroad. And it all started with two thousand to the whole world, which had the eighth. And this went on somewhere until the virus hit. The children often left, many of these were established, either officially or unofficially, by children nominated.


[00:11:24] Well, they disappeared like that.


Speaker1: [00:11:31] Children went missing in a wild way, so they didn't go missing at school. Almost all of them went abroad. For example, three left, two returned, where the third girl, the third girl remained for treatment. After some time, they say, the ox was adopted, there are parents, family and so on. Was it true or not? We don't say it, but I know that it was all a lie. At that time, I worked at a school there, I had a high salary. At that time, a dollar was worth eight hryvnias, and a salary was eight thousand. It was a thousand dollars. Although I know that the authorities in the region supported him, because he was the director of the school for thirty years, and no inspection did not free him and the school. Well, then everything you know. Thus, for a time, Maksakov Anna Ivanivna Zhive and Maria Ivanovna were in education. I don't know that woman's last name, because she was Surkov's boss. She came to school and all the checks were carried out by the head and that was it. There was silence, everything was smooth, everything was fine. For some reason, everything worked out. Everything is fine with us, but after two years, he returned me to the school again as a teacher organizer and gave me a half-time job as a night teacher. Well, it was at such a time that they came and took my pen and it ended in a scandal. What did I release? Then why did the kid run away from the internet during my shift? Why don't I know about this? Where is it and when was it necessary to say that the lawyer came to pick up the package with the pen. If someone knows about it, I'll be the head of the department and that's it.


Speaker1: [00:13:44] No one is no one what you pretend to be, that you know what you are talking about. Now the police will come here to beat you up. Think about what you say and that's it. Please teach him the resignation letter and goodbye. I haven't done anything to you for two years. Did he tell you that he would be fired? Well, yes, I freed myself then. So what do you think, in your opinion, where did these children go? And to say so directly is still a pocket. If from his words or from the words of other people it was said that they were going to be adopted or to some family, or there for treatment, my ears were offended. It went to the authorities, children and prisons, and the whole city. Well, I say yes. And if it's a hundred percent, let it be thirty. It was true that they were for adoption, because then the children also asked their dads for photos on the Internet or in messengers or on Facebook. And then there were still Odnoklassniki contacts. But they showed how they were given this one, then there was no mention of the other children at all, they could not be found either on the Internet or in contacts. I checked everything, so knowing their last name everything. And the surnames there were such as Spivak, Surma, and even Artur, who was little in the third grade and would have been seventeen or eighteen years old somewhere now. He graduated from school and I still can't find him. But his parents are still alive here. Mom is alive, dad is dead. They were already deprived. Zarichchi caught me as a gypsy, and my mother is alive.


Speaker1: [00:15:40] And where is the child? She still says Give me the address, where is the address, I can't find it on the Internet, nothing. How can I give an address? I know that she went to Italy in Zurich for the organs in the USA. Well, one hundred percent majority. Yes, in June 2010, several children from the boarding school went to Holland for the holidays. The documents were prepared by the lawyer Olya Lang user under the guidance of Vasyl Fedorovych Baba, the director of the boarding school, and also accompanied by the chauffeur Vasyl Fedorovych Haysyn, Kob was beaten by Vasyl Vasyliovych. At the end of August, children arrived from Holland, but not twenty-five children, but twenty-three children. The teachers asked the director Vasyl Fedorovych, where are the other two children? But in response, they heard that the children remained for treatment abroad. After two or three months, they asked the same question, will the children return? Vasyl Petrovych, the director, said that the children will not return and that they have been adopted abroad. They did not show the documents and tried to avoid answering. But I personally know and know that these children went for organ transplants. Also, the children were taken out more than once on fake documents made by a lawyer. Olya, Vlad, Visa on. The children went away not only during the summer holidays, but also during the winter holidays. Such trips took place every year and two or three children did not return. The trips were accompanied by Vasyl Fedorovych, Koba Lange, Wieser, Olya, Jurysta and the driver of the son of Vasyl Vasyliovych, who supposedly worked at the school. But he was often not seen only when the children had to go abroad.


Speaker1: [00:18:05] And this was known to everyone without the teaching staff. But they tried to keep it quiet because they threatened to fire them. I also knew this and tried to keep quiet because I was getting a good salary and didn't want to quit my job. But what exactly was traded on the trading interval? There were rumors that he had officially given his consent to adopt through the court, because of that, he did not have it, so he motivated by the fact that the adoption process was going on. That's why a lawyer knew everything, a lawyer. I remember who came to school with an act, how she left school, what schedules she left, what to talk about. I bought a car, an expensive Volkswagen or something. There was a waltz before Velvet. Latvia, Lithuania. He waited for everything, the roads were already on the way, the music consultant took bribes, sometimes to vacation in America, then to Holland with concerts. Some of it returned, some of it remained there as it was when it ran away, and the child itself ran away to America. In three days without documents, it was impossible to sit on the ground. Everyone knew about it, that someone gave the child a passport document. It is either a lawyer, or the school director himself, or a lawyer. Olya is fine Wieser, and the director was Vasyl Fedorovych Koba. When there was mass adoption of children from Italy, France, Spain, and America. And although the noise went away. Well, for example, there was an official adoption from adoption, through the court, through the department of education, through children's affairs. It was true that there were parents coming from America, for example, to adopt a child, and to this noise other children went. If it was for a vacation or just to see how the parents live and how the children will decide, then they said yes.

Speaker1: [00:20:33] But it wasn't. Children also left Ukraine, most importantly for a foreign country, and never returned. And the question was where are the children, when will they come? That's it, the lawyer came and said Dita, it's not just a lawyer, Olya Vlad the Miser said. From her words, it was said that the child played all the time no matter what country he went to, because they could not say that, because they always said that the child was the adoptive parents. This is secret information, in which country, which address. It could not be disclosed, because it was secret information that they could not say. They just said the child is abroad. And, thank God, adopters were found and took them away. Well, that's how the whole world said then, that the illustrations put children on organs and who participated. Children Three people participated in this. This is the lawyer of the school, Vlad Viser, Olya, and the director of the school, Vasyl Fedorovych Koba. And his little son as a chauffeur is little Vasyl Koba. How many hours to take children from America? They rested. Vasya Malik drove Lviv, old Vasyl the personnel officer and Jadviha the lawyer drove Kob. As a lawyer mother, she made all these documents, made passports, permission to travel abroad through the embassy and a letter. It was necessary to return for them. They are also part of that lawyer. When Vasyl, a tourist Olya and his young son Vasyl baba, because he was a chauffeur. Of course, no one saw him at work every day, only when the children had to be taken and brought, because then we all knew that he was a chauffeur.


Speaker1: [00:22:46] Olya, who was a lawyer, came to work naked as a theologian at school. After a certain period, when all this was often adopted, children taken abroad continued to come for them. A car suddenly appears in her, she will start to leave. Volkswagen car. She starts walking in the swamp, wearing all the expensive jewelry. And we are children. I knew the Ughrins, because several children were taken abroad and they used a fake person in a dishonest way in order for the children to go to the exploitation of the body. And we were silent about this. Why? Because at that time work was prestigious. Boarding schools were well paid, there were good salaries and no one could ask a question and when that person came, because she always answered Lawyer is a troika, She was a lawyer always said that this is secret information about adoption, there is a law about it, and the Trinity is holy . Who is this? Who is the Trinity Holy Trinity, saint Vasyl Fedorovych, lawyer Olya LAZ Lisa and little son Vasya. Whom? Why was he his chauffeur so that they did not get this information? They were grouped into three people and did these things. They often came to check on something, that it was not important for gassing, whether it was the check for Zbruch and the check of the report requirement or something else, but it was all completed. In what way? We all already know the ways. Perhaps there were two people who went through the financial means and shared the money, because it cannot be like that. With Check. Artur Derbak, a child himself, comes from the Zarichny Perechyn district of Gypsy ethnicity. He left for Italy amid the noise.


[00:25:00] Adoption and that child is still alive today.


Speaker1: [00:25:05] Husband. I can't find him, because the usual children who are alive communicate with them and correspond with them. This is Artur or Surma, the three girls are Stanko, the surname is Stanko Well, there Olya, Maria Romanivna or Sofia, it doesn't matter by name, they come from the apiary Kura Pasika of the Perechyn district, they were also adopted by. Abroad to this day. Where are they specifically? Didn't the last name change or something? No one knows about it, because they went to the authorities. Exploitation of them has left the state, this is just an act. And I know what these children are. These children are no longer alive, but someone's year, because it was with a boy, was established in the year two thousand and thirteen. The girls before the start of a full-scale war and two thousand of them thought about their adoption and the word check, check and everything was mentioned. In what way I do not know the brain. I guess so because of such a financial network. But I also don't see these girls anymore, because their relatives are alive. And a couple of months ago, I talked to them and they can't find them themselves. And they were already looking for them on different Internets, on different social networks. They don't exist, I know. And this indicates that the children are no longer alive, because they went to exploitation. They have many children. But since I worked for fifteen years at the school, many people came through me. And I know that every year they took their children abroad, but unfortunately, not all of them returned. And why were they forced? These children already.

[00:27:22] Not alive?

Image: Title: Ukraine child sex trafficking


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