POSOBIEC: Officer Lila Morris, Badge Number 5869, Beat a Protestor To Death on Steps of US Capitol on Jan 6

On Thursday's episode of Human Events Daily, host Jack Posobiec examines the circumstances surrounding the death of Roseanne Boyland, a Capitol Hill protestor that was beaten to death by an officer, breaking down the situation, and exposing the hypocrisy of the media and the narratives that they've created surrounding race.

Posobiec argues that had the races been reversed, and even the genders, the attention surrounding the abuse would be greater, as was seen during the fallout after the death of George Floyd in 2020.

"Her name was Rosanne Boyland," says Posobiec after playing video of the event "What you just heard was the beating death of Roseanne Boyland on January 6, 2021. Roseanne Boyland was a part of a crowd, climbed the steps of the United States Capitol. Capitol Police responded, attempting to shove them off and push them down, and hold them back."

"The footage is choppy, it's chaotic, in a chaotic environment. It's hard to see what's going on, and this footage that we have is censored. But there is something we can learn from this footage... There is a Capitol police officer that is swinging a large wooden stick and crashing it down on Roseanne Boyland again and again. Even after Roseanne Boyland has fallen to the ground and is writhing on the steps of the US Capitol. The officer continues to beat her, again, and again. People are yelling for the officer to stop, but she doesn't. She continues beating Roseanne Boyland. 

An exposé by the Gateway Pundit has revealed the name of the officer: Lila Morris, badge number 5869. 

Posobiec then points outs how race and gender would be media talking points if they were reversed in this situation, and highlights how the masses have been trained to react to the media's crafted narratives.

"Now, you really have to ask yourselves, that if the races were switched here, and the genders too, by the way, a white male police officer beating a black male protestor to death... Would this have been national news?"

"Would this have gone everywhere the way the George Floyd video did? But instead, that's not what it was. Because that's the narrative that we're preconditioned to believe, that white police officers want to kill white people. Instead, the races and genders are switched here: These are both women, the officer is black, the protestor is white, and officer Lila Morris continues to beat Roseanne Boyland to death, as she writhes on the steps of the Capitol."

It is now known that the Hennepin County's coroner's report, and testimony from medical professionals point to George Floyd having died from fentanyl-related complications.

Video posted by Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing shows Dr. Ron Martinelli Forensic Criminologist and certified medical investigator speaking with Candace Owens, saying that "there was a tonne of evidence that George Floyd consumed a toxic, lethal cocktail of methamphetamine."

"Now, I know a lot of people have covered this story already, and I don't consider myself to be the first... But I don't know if anyone has put it quite simply that way, that you had a police officer beating a protestor to death on the steps of the Capitol," Posobiec adds."

"What's amazing to me, though, is that the coroner came out and said 'no, the beating and the writhing had nothing to do with the death, this was an overdose from an amphetamine overdose. Because, when I look at George Floyd and I look at that video, and I've studied it and studied every angle of all the videos of the George Floyd case. You can see a lot of things happening, you can see George Floyd at one point ingesting a lethal dose of fentanyl. You can see it in his mouth. You can see the police officers asking him to simply sit in the back of a car. He refuses and fights them. He's huge, by the way... He asks to be put on the ground. Roseanne Boyland didn't."

Posobiec makes clear that he is not questioning whether Roseanne Boyland was protesting. "Absolutely she was," he says. But he mirrors that point by noting that Derek Chauvin's knee was, factually, not on George Floyd's knee for nine minutes, as has been claimed by many dishonest actors, including the state of Minnesota's lawyer Neal Katyal.  "Because when you see that knee from every angle, you can see that he moves it. It's on his back, it's on his shoulder blade. The coroner didn't come out and say that there was evidence of damage to George Floyd's neck at all, and certainly not life-threatening damage."

"But what do I see in this video?" Posobiec asked, "I see an officer beating a woman to death on the steps of the United States Capitol, and I wanted to make sure that everybody knew that that's exactly what happened. I'm not gonna flower this up, and editorialize this with any fancy words. I'm just going to say what happened: A police officer beat a protestor to death on the steps of the US Capitol, the same way a police officer shot and killed a protestor within the US Capitol. Welcome to new America. 

"This same officer, Lila Morris, badge number 5869, was later celebrated twice. First, by the mayor of DC, who told us 'she fought like hell that day.' Officer Lila Morris, badge number 5869. I agree, Mayor Bowser. She did fight like hell. Just maybe not in the way that you said. "

"Also, officer Lila Morris, badge number 5869, was celebrated in a tribute in last year's Super Bowl. She came out to fanfare. Now, she didn't win the Lombardi, but maybe this year, if my Eagles are involved, she might just get a chance to win it again. Maybe she'll find another protestor to beat to death on the steps of the US Capitol."

Image: Title: lila morris & roseanne boyland