In Los Angeles Schools, a Student’s Digital Papers Might Not be in Order

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  • 03/02/2023

A new application being utilized by the Los Angeles Unified School District appears to be one of the first government implementations of covid compliance "passport" programs imposed upon private citizens.

The Microsoft product, called "Daily Pass," is billed as a way of getting students back in class sooner. "During the past many months, we have been working hand in hand with Microsoft," Superintendent Austin Beutner boasts in a promotional video for the program, before mentioning that "all who have used" the system are "committed to keep using it." He did not indicate any intention to phase out the program once the virus becomes a less active threat.

Students will have a unique QR code, which they will present upon their arrival at their LA public school. This QR code or "ticket for safely going back to school," as the district describes it is linked to an application where families will input "health" information such as proof of weekly negative COVID-19 tests, vaccine appointments, and agreement to follow certain guidelines.

"If the individual has recently tested negative for COVID-19 and completes the online health check, a QR code will be generated for that day and specific site location," explains the district. "School staff members dedicated to be “Welcomers” will be at every site to scan the QR code and take your temperature at the entrance.

The "daily health check" portion of the application not only requires that students confirm that they have no covid symptoms, but it also directs families to commit to certain sets of personal behaviors including limiting guests in their own home and wearing face masks anywhere "outside the home."

"We wear face coverings at school and outside the home."

" We avoid inviting people into the home, other than those who need to be there."

"We minimize close physical contact, which increases your exposure to the virus. (Close physical contact is being next to anyone less than 6 feet away for more than 15 minutes. People who don’t have symptoms can still transmit the virus.)"

"Do you agree to commit to the safest behaviors possible and in so doing, keeping the schools safer?" the application asks after presenting the above statements.

In December, Human Events warned that the World Economic Forum - an organization with which Microsoft is a close and active partner in the plan for a global "Great Reset" - had plans to implement similar programs by getting "large employers" to leverage “the influence they wield" to compel adult Americans to complete tasks such as "register with state and local governments, and schedule vaccine appointments."

WEF asserts that, in conjunction with government, "Business has a big role to play in vaccinating the world" and has developed a similar application called "CommonPass" for travelers, meant to be implemented by airlines, airports, and other travel industry players.

CommonPass "assesses whether the individual’s lab test results or vaccination records (1) come from a trusted source, and (2) satisfy the health screening requirements of the country they want to enter." It then produces a "simple yes/no answer" as to whether the individual in question is eligible to travel.


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