Editorial Staff
Knowing that the Democrats are willing to allow a corruption scheme of this magnitude go unexposed, n...
It will not just be better for your sanity; it will also be better for the country....
Cut the head of the Washington snake off, and liberate the American people from its coils....
America’s sanity and civic traditions can be repaired, but in order for that to happen, liberals must...
Victory is sweet....
We at Human Events endorse Donald J. Trump for president. And we hope that come next Tuesday, he will...
This isn’t over til the fat lady sings, and we don’t hear Anita Dunn warming up her pipes....
Without millions of undocumented immigrants to turn into loyal Democrat voters, it’s very doubtful th...
When it comes to actually governing, insanity is still insane even when its delusions are designer....
Last night, J.D. Vance made the MAGA worldview – nationalism, populism, Trumpism, or whatever you cal...
Between Routh’s bounty and the Iranian murder machine, it’s virtually a guarantee that President Trum...
For cosseted, empty-headed third-rate thinkers like the average talking head, Trump is a threat to de...
It was 3-on-1, and he had to swing at everyone, not just his opponent. This wasn’t a fair fight; it w...
We conservatives do believe in “our democracy” – which is to say, the particular democracy which righ...
Democrats don’t care about protecting the American people, when protecting the American people endang...