Politically speaking, President Barack Obama is almost as toxic as the ominous viruses he continues t...
The longer the fiction lasts, the more shattering the reality will be....
There are lessons to be learned from this year's House races, some of them relevant beyond this elect...
As Democratic control of the Senate hangs in the balance, so does the fate of federal wind power subs...
Does a homeowner have the right to defend themselves--if they are a felon?...
Last week, at the invitation of Sheldon Jacobs (a longtime friend in finance and a regular attendee a...
We still don't get to actually read the documents, but it's eye-opening just to know what they were....
The Washington Post has a little slice of corruption from the U.S. Agency for International Developme...
You’ll find few better examples of how politics define identity for the totalitarian Left than the sa...
Kentucky???s Senate election is 2014???s most important, for a reason rich in irony....
State Dept. refuses to confirm whether victim was a U.S. citizen....
It's time to restore trust in America's future. And introducing our children to the great history of ...
The controversy is not over what is actually in the books, but instead over scientific facts environm...
This article originally appeared on watchdog.org. CHICAGO — Early Voting in Illinois got off to its t...