The two touched on most of the key events that happened in 2024, including the two assassination attempts on President-elect Donald Trump and the fact that his inauguration will be open air, something that seems dangerous as mysterious drones recently appeared over New Jersey. Posobiec, however, is convinced the drones were a "government psyop."
Bannon agreed, saying, "What's going on in New Jersey makes absolutely no sense, why the United States government, spending a trillion dollars in defense, can't tell you in those airspaces exactly what's going on over your house."
Posobiec reminded the audience that US Security Communications Advisor John Kirby stated that the drones were part of "lawful activity."
"It's obviously the US," Posobiec stated. "It's obviously got US government backing. The drones clearly have US government backing. They're lying, and more than likely than not, what they're doing is they're testing sensor packages. They're testing AI targeting, they're testing AI sensors over our own homes, over our own backyards, over our children at school. It is very clear to me that that's what's going on with these drones."
Bannon said that above all else, the US government wants its citizens to be "anxious" and "never comfortable" and "always be off your game."
"You have to shatter the deep state, the national security apparatus around that, the intelligence apparatus that turns inward to America and then goes overseas for color revolutions," he stated, adding that President Trump is America's "one shot" to do so.
Watch the full episode below.