OLIVIA INGRASSIA: The Democrats ignore the issues because they want to ignore the people

Nothing is authentic or real, it’s all a show.

Nothing is authentic or real, it’s all a show.

“Do you want America to be ruled by the Corrupt Political Class? Or do you want America to be ruled by you, the people?”

Then-candidate Trump posed this stark question to an electric crowd in Michigan, just after midnight on November 8, 2016, at the final rally of his first campaign.

While this prescient theme helped carry then-candidate Trump to victory two election cycles ago, fast forward eight years later and this same fundamental struggle remains just as relevant, only perhaps now even more pronounced.  Ultimately, President Trump’s quest for the White House cannot be divorced from this underlying diagnosis of our late-stage republic: that We the People are no longer in control, and have instead unintentionally outsourced the levers of power to an elite class that is severely, and dangerously, out of touch with those they ostensibly represent.  As was true then, and remains true now, America’s sovereignty is hanging by a thread.

This reality was on display for all four nights of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.  Earlier this summer, when the Democrat Party apparatus orchestrated Joe Biden’s ouster from the presidential race and quickly coronated their preferred candidate – nearly overnight – in front of our very eyes, they brazenly demonstrated to the country – and indeed the globe – that what the party leaders say goes, and the people must fall in line. Without even intimating their need to explain away or cover up for the sheer irony of this undemocratic maneuver, from the very party that has eulogized our precious “democracy” for three and a half years ad nauseam, they marched on, with the media in lockstep, under the strict orders of central command.  Who exactly is in control? Nancy Pelosi? Barack Obama? The answer is unapparent, other than the fact that it is most definitely not the sitting President of the United States, Joe Biden – and that’s by design: so that they can avoid any semblance of accountability. Wholly dismissing the primary process, let alone the all-important debates which have historically played a central role in our four-year Presidential elections, the party apparatus was not compelled to answer for this inconsistency; their coup proved successful, on their own terms, consequences be damned.

At their convention, the speakers attempted to masquerade this unprecedented summer beneath their hollow vision of “Joy;” and avoided delivering a coherent agenda, platform, or set of policies that would seek to remedy – or at least acknowledge – the perilous trajectory this country is currently on. That is, unless you count price controls, which are the first step to breadlines, but never mind that.

There was a good reason for this omission: naturally, it is their own doing that caused and exacerbated these problems to begin with – they caused the record-high inflation, they are responsible for throwing open the border to tens of millions of illegal immigrants, they are responsible for the rise in crime throughout the country, and their weakness has led to foreign conflict.  But for this party apparatus, the minutiae of something so trifling as “policies,” is secondary, if they matter at all.  Instead, the party hopes their empty rhetoric and meaningless platitudes will be sufficient to drive out their dutiful supporters, who are expected to simply fall in line and vote accordingly, no questions asked. 

Look no further than Michelle Obama, who implored her party to go through any length necessary to get “someone like Kamala elected.” In Michelle’s own words, “Kamala Harris” may be running for President on paper, but in reality, she has no agency – she is a puppet for the party masters that pull her strings. Thrust into the spotlight, shamelessly adorned in American flags and camouflage hats and all, Kamala Harris is the political machine’s chosen empty vessel through which they hope to – once and for all – quell the only organized opposition to their unchecked power: Donald Trump and his supporters.

This is how the opposition operates.

Contrast this odious, most undemocratic spectacle with President Trump, who is authenticity personified.  Trump, who barnstormed the country in his counterprogramming throughout DNC week, offered a glimpse of a renewed America – one that is finally unshackled from the bonds of the corrupt ruling elite that presently harbors only chaos, destruction, and depression.  From Monday through Friday, the former President highlighted the crises ravaging our nation, and responded by emphasizing his vision forward. Without a doubt, President Trump’s message, and track record that goes along with it, is directly responsive to the cries of forgotten middle America: those who are forced to endure the destruction wrought by our elite class firsthand. Their factories were shuttered and sent overseas by a ruthless agenda that lined the pockets of those in power, their children were forced to deploy for never-ending wars in the Middle East, their jobs were taken by immigrants flooding illegally over a porous southern border, and their daughters are no longer alive because of violent illegal immigrants who gained access to the country thanks to our open borders.

In response, he vowed to reclaim America’s destiny as the foremost manufacturing superpower in the world in York, Pennsylvania; promised to oversee the largest deportation operation in this country’s history in Detroit, Michigan; promised to return the world to the same peace that existed prior to his leaving office in Asheboro, North Carolina. This demonstrates that he, unlike his opposition, listens to and cares about the plight of the people he seeks to represent, and responds accordingly. For this reason, President Trump has garnered the support of unlikely allies, including life-long Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., because he, too, understands that this fundamental struggle transcends party lines. In his own words, the party he left “became the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money.”  The distinction cannot be more stark.

Kamala Harris does not feel the need to acknowledge the issues. In fact, she has gotten this far simply by ignoring them: she found herself a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land, and on the head of the ticket of one of the two major parties in America, without earning a single vote, or answering a single question. This is by design – it is a feature, not a bug. This chain of events alone demonstrates that deep at the heart of this struggle is one of American sovereignty: on one side sit the men and women of this country, in whom the Constitution endows authority over their government, and on the other is a corrupt ruling class that seeks to set the agenda and maintain their power no matter the cost. And make no mistake, if they succeed in November, this will become the new normal.

This election once again is a reminder that the questions at the heart of our American system might, once-and-for-all, be unreachable should Harris and her unnamed handlers prevail in November. An inch beneath the Democrats’ insincere fixation on democracy, is a completely fabricated system – the party, its candidates, the media, their statistics, even their job numbers. Nothing is authentic or real, it’s all a show. As the 2016 Clinton Machine on the other side of the stage demonstrated clearly, Kamala Harris is the perfect sequel.  Donald Trump was then, and still is now, the only antidote, so help us God.

Image: Title: obama dnc


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