AVI ABELOW: By smashing the Houthis, Israel sent a clear message to Iran

Is Israel signaling that it will no longer outsource its security against the non-border Iranian aggression to the Biden administration? 

Is Israel signaling that it will no longer outsource its security against the non-border Iranian aggression to the Biden administration? 

The other night, one Israeli was killed and eight others injured in Tel Aviv due to a drone attack by the Yemenite Houthis, a proxy of the Islamic Regime of Iran.

In a bold and decisive move, Israel struck back against Iranian proxies in Yemen, marking a significant escalation in the region's ongoing conflict dynamics. The target of Israel's retaliation was a critical port in Yemen, housing alleged Iranian oil refineries and an Iranian weapons depot. This retaliatory strike not only aims to send a strong message to the Iranian proxy Houthis in Yemen but also serves as a stern warning to their backers in Tehran. Just as important, this strike serves as a message of hope to Saudi Arabia that Israel is here in the region to protect them from the Iranian threat as well.

The strategic importance of this strike cannot be overstated. Yemen lies approximately 1,800 kilometers away from Israel, a considerable distance even greater than that to Iran itself. By demonstrating their capacity to strike such distant targets effectively, Israel sends a dual message: firstly, to the Houthis and their sponsors in Iran that attacks on Israeli interests will not go unanswered, and secondly, to Iran directly, signaling that Israel has the capability and resolve to strike deep into hostile territory.

The decision to retaliate now underscores Israel's changing approach to regional threats. The Houthis, previously viewed as a distant concern, are now recognized as a direct threat capable of striking at Israeli interests. The attack on the Yemeni port, which housed both Iranian oil refineries and weapons depots, serves as a proactive measure to disrupt supply lines and prevent further escalation in the region.

Until this point, Israel relied on the Biden administration to take care of the Houthi threat, considering that the Houthis have not just attacked Israel, but disrupted international trade by attacking Western shipping lanes. Unfortunately, whatever US actions have been taken have not done enough to end the Iranian/Houthi aggression.

Critically, this strike also raises questions about Israel's strategy towards Iran itself. Iran is the head of the snake that must be taken care of to protect Israel, the whole freedom-loving world, and especially Iranian citizens who suffer daily at the hands of the Islamic Regime of Iran. The Houthis in Yemen are just one of the many Iranian proxies in the region. 

Despite the escalating tensions and provocations, Israel has mostly refrained from direct military action against the Islamic Republic of Iran because of pressure from the Biden administration. Just months ago, following a massive Iranian attack on Israel, President Biden pressured Netanyahu against Israeli retaliation, highlighting the complexities and sensitivities of the current geopolitical landscape.

However, Israel's recent strike in Yemen challenges this narrative. Is Israel signaling that it will no longer outsource its security against the non-border Iranian aggression to the Biden administration? 

This Israeli strike in Yemen definitely demonstrates, for the first time in this war, Israel's readiness to act decisively against Iranian interests far away from our border, when its security is threatened, regardless of international pressure. The message to Iran is clear: Israel possesses the capability to strike not only in its immediate vicinity but also deep into Iran's sphere of influence. This strategic calculus aims to send a clear message to Iran. 

No less important is the message this attack sends to the Biden administration and to Saudi Arabia. 

As American influence is constantly diminishing in the Middle East, this Israeli strike on Yemen sends a clear message to the world that Israel is stepping up and will not remain silent against the growing aggression of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region.

As tensions continue to simmer in the Middle East, Israel's retaliatory strike in Yemen could mark a pivotal moment. It underscores Israel's determination to safeguard its security and interests in the face of regional adversaries, while also serving as a stark reminder to Iran of the consequences of supporting militant proxies. The ball now lies in Iran's court: whether to escalate further or heed the warning implicit in Israel's actions remains to be seen. No less important, is the question of whether the Biden administration will continue to protect Iran or finally allow Israel to do what is necessary against Iran directly as well.

Image: Title: netanyahu houthis


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