JOSEPH MANNARINO: Amber Rose is an unlikely but vital political ally

Our focus should not be on her past but on our collective future.

Our focus should not be on her past but on our collective future.

In today's political climate, it's remarkable to consider that just a few years ago, it was unthinkable for celebrities to openly support Donald Trump. Hollywood and the entertainment industry were dominated by liberal voices, making it a bold and rare move for any celebrity to express conservative views, let alone support Trump. However, we are now witnessing a significant shift. More and more celebrities are coming forward with their support for Trump, breaking the once-impenetrable barrier of liberal dominance in Hollywood.

This trend is significant because celebrities wield immense influence over their fans. When a well-known figure publicly endorses Trump, it sends a powerful message to their followers. By default, this increased celebrity support means that their fans are likely to follow suit, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the initial endorsement. This shift in celebrity support for Trump is not just a win for the conservative movement; it represents a broader cultural change where diverse political views can be expressed more freely in the entertainment industry. This newfound openness can lead to a more balanced and inclusive political discourse, ultimately benefiting everyone.

Amber Rose’s entry into politics represents an essential first step on a long and complex journey from pop culture to civic engagement. Her followers, who might typically be disengaged from political discourse, are now exposed to political messages and ideas through a familiar and relatable figure. This is an invaluable opportunity. Instead of criticizing her, we should focus on how to harness this potential to our advantage.

Many people are beginning their road to recovery from a degenerate pop culture that we allowed in America, and it’s a lengthy process. Amber Rose's involvement highlights this shift and the possibility of steering her followers toward meaningful political participation.

Let’s consider the alternative. What is the plan to engage her demographic if not through celebrities like her? Amber Rose commands a vast platform that reaches millions who might otherwise remain politically disengaged. Ignoring or alienating her—and by extension, her followers—would be a missed opportunity. We must recognize that in the modern era, political engagement comes in many forms and through various channels, and celebrities play a pivotal role in this landscape.

Critics often point to Amber Rose’s past as a stripper to undermine her credibility. However, this fact is irrelevant to the larger issue at hand. Our focus should not be on her past but on our collective future. The challenges we face require a broad and inclusive approach to voter engagement. I care about the poll on November 5th, not her history on the pole. Her followers are part of the electorate, and their votes are crucial.

Conservative politics focus on issues that resonate with a wide audience, including many young people who might normally feel disconnected from the political process. By leveraging her platform, Amber Rose is drawing attention to these critical issues and encouraging her followers to become more politically active.

I understand the concerns from the conservative base regarding Amber Rose’s political involvement. It’s natural to question whether someone from such a different background can align with our values. However, we must remember that in politics, the first goal is to win votes. Only then can we establish and implement our policies. Alienating a potential ally who can bring in new voters does not serve our long-term goals. It's about broadening our reach and strengthening our base.

And let's be clear: Donald Trump would never turn his back on his conservative base. His track record has shown a consistent commitment to conservative principles and policies. Embracing Amber Rose and her followers doesn't mean compromising on our values; it means expanding our coalition to ensure electoral success. Once we secure the votes, we can focus on implementing the policies that matter to our base.

We must look beyond personal biases and see the broader picture. Amber Rose, despite being an unconventional ally, has the potential to mobilize a significant voter base. Her influence can be a valuable asset if we choose to embrace it. It’s time to stop the judgment and start seeing the bigger picture. We need to recognize the strategic advantage she brings to the table.

To the critics: Unless you have a better plan to engage her demographic, it’s time to step back and allow her to make her contribution. The stakes are too high for us to let prejudice hinder our progress. In an age where every vote counts, and voter apathy is a significant barrier to political change, we need all the help we can get. Amber Rose might not fit the traditional mold of a political advocate, but in today’s diverse and evolving political landscape, she is precisely the kind of ally we need.

In conclusion, Amber Rose’s entry into the political arena should be viewed as an opportunity rather than a threat. She brings with her a unique ability to reach and engage a previously untapped demographic. Her past is irrelevant in the context of her potential to influence the future. We need to look beyond traditional biases and recognize the value she brings. By doing so, we can harness her influence to make a meaningful impact on the political landscape.

Amber Rose is on her road to redemption, and we should let her current actions speak for her, not her past. She might be an unlikely political ally, but she is a vital one. Let’s welcome her and see where this new avenue leads us. And never forget, our main objective is convincing a society, heavily influenced by liberalism, to vote for the greatest conservative president of all time: Donald J. Trump.

Image: Title: amber rose


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