EXCLUSIVE: 'Lomez' breaks his silence after doxxing incident by Antifa journo at The Guardian

"I'm supposed to have a certain set of ideas and by not abiding to those ideas, and suggesting instead certain heterodox ideas that challenges that hegemonic liberal order, that's a threat to them."

"I'm supposed to have a certain set of ideas and by not abiding to those ideas, and suggesting instead certain heterodox ideas that challenges that hegemonic liberal order, that's a threat to them."

Jack Posobiec invited guest Lomez onto his show, Human Events Daily, on Wednesday after the publishing company founder was doxxed by "an Antifa goon" from The Guardian Tuesday, putting him and his family in danger.

"Lomez, who are you and why does the left hate you so very much?" Posobiec asked.

Lomez, who goes by his pseudonym, explained that he started his company Passage Publishing last year to "break us out of this cul-de-sac of stale political and cultural thinking" by amplifying the voices of "innovative thinkers."

He said that his company has seen a great amount of success from publishing conservative-minded individuals, many of whom predicted the "woke takeover of our culture."

"Honestly," he said, "I think this doxx attempt is a badge of honor, it indicates that we're being successful."

"We're taking these ideas that were maybe just on the outside of the Overton window 10, 15 years ago, and bringing them inside the Overton window, where, frankly, they belonged all along and we're forcing people to sort of confront some of these ideas," Lomez stated. "And I think the left sees this as a threat, they see these ideas and this burgeoning discourse, and this sort of robust, new kind of intellectual movement," he said.

He said he does not know how this Antifa Guardian reporter got his name, identity, and personal details, but "once they had it, [he] became a target."

As someone with an academic background, Lomez explained, "I'm supposed to have a certain set of ideas and by not abiding to those ideas, and suggesting instead certain heterodox ideas that challenges that hegemonic liberal order, that's a threat to them. And so I became a target."

The left does not have legitimate arguments to make, so they resort to harassment, he noted. "So they want to harass, they want to discredit our ideas, they want to create a paper trail, so that, you know, their narrative will be the first that hits Wikipedia and gets, you know, caught up in these AI data crawlers. And what they want to do is also deter people like me from doing this sort of thing. This is a warning," he said.

Watch the full episode below.

Image: Title: Lomez


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