JACK POSOBIEC: Patriots must pressure Republican DAs to investigate far-left groups after Treehouse Antifa indictment

On Thursday's episode of Human Events Daily, host Jack Posobiec discussed the recent indictment of 61 "Stop Cop City" protestors in Atlanta, citing reporting from the Post Millennial's Andy Ngo that revealed a number of those listed as defendants were linked with Antifa.

Posobiec questioned why similar crackdowns hadn't occurred in other states, and urged patriotic Americans to contact their Republican district attorneys and pressure them to launch investigations into Antifa and other far-left militant groups.

"This is the most sweeping indictment that we've ever seen of an Antifa network," Posobiec said. "So here's the question. Why did it take one Republican attorney general to do this? How many other attorney generals do we have around this country that are Republican?"

"In every single state that has a Republican attorney general, you must ask them why they are not investigating Antifa charities, Antifa networks that are operating in their states."

Antifa groups are "infesting our country," he added, vowing to "take them down one by one by one."

Among those who have previously expressed interest in going after far-left groups is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who Posobiec pointed out is currently facing an impeachment trial. "They're terrified of Ken Paxton going after the left's pets like this, going after the leftist militant organizations," he said.

Posobiec went on to explain that contrary to what they often make people believe, Antifa is a "communist organization, a neo-Bolshevik organization," noting that the founder, Ernst Thälmann leader of the communist party of Germany.

"They are not an organization that exists to fight fascism, they are an organization that exists to destabilize existing governments and then turn them over into communism; that is their goal."

The 61 defendants indicted in Fulton County, Georgia, collectively branded an "enterprise of militant anarchists, eco-activists and community organizers," have been accused of a range of crimes, including violations of the state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and domestic terrorism.

Image: Title: Jack_Antifa