OLIVER GHORBANIFAR: Is Chael Sonnen the future of the GOP?

In the populist political arena, where charisma and conviction collide, it looks like there may be a new sheriff in town, and he’s a legitimate badass.

In a recent episode of the Patrick Bet David podcast UFC legend Chael Sonnen announced that he is seriously considering running for governor of his home state of Oregon.

“From the time I was a little kid I wanted to be governor of Oregon. And I will be the governor of Oregon,” Sonnen said.

Until the rise of Donald Trump many laughed off the potential of a celebrity candidate, especially in GOP politics, but since 2016 things have changed. While there have been many false starts, the evidence is mounting that certain celebrities maybe just what the doctor ordered when it comes to taking America back from the forces of liberal chaos.

Here’s why Sonnen’s unique blend of attributes could resonate with voters across the Beaver State
Sonnen’s unyielding toughness, brash demeanor, and unwavering commitment to law and order position him as a potentially formidable contender who could tap into the wellspring of Trumpian populism that so many working class voters have found compelling yet have had difficultly finding in more conventional candidates put forward by the establishment.

Furthermore, Chael Sonnen himself is no stranger to adversity. Inside the octagon, he faced some of the fiercest and more dangerous men in mixed martial arts, enduring grueling battles that forced him to push himself to the brink. Voters love a fighter, and in this case they will be getting a literal one. This means that when far-left groups like Antifa, which have infested the state, inevitably attempt to exert pressure, Sonnen won’t wilt. He’s physically and mentally battle-hardened, which means that he likely has the mettle to easily stand firm against ideological storms.

True Oregonians at their best embody the true spirit of the West, and yearn for leaders who won’t back down, Sonnen embodies that spirit.

Like Trump, Sonnen doesn’t mince words. His unfiltered and off the cuff way of speaking cuts through political niceties, and resonates with everyday voters who are tired of scripted politicians.

Whether it’s a press conference or a town hall, Sonnen’s authenticity shines through. He’s not afraid to call out hypocrisy or challenge the status quo and he is actually quite intelligent and insightful, but not in a way that is pedantic and alienating to regular Americans.

In a state where progressive narratives dominate, Sonnen’s Trumpian bravado could be exactly what is needed to finally end the blue reign of terror that has gripped the state for so long.
Oregon currently faces a confluence of challenges—rising crime rates, civil unrest, and a sense of lawlessness. Enter Chael Sonnen, whose straightforward message centers squarely on law and order. He doesn’t equivocate and believes in protecting communities, supporting law enforcement, and upholding justice.

Some of the most colorful remarks from Sonnen during his recent appearance on the PBD podcast came when he discussed some of his more unorthodox plans for instilling a sense of law and order into Oregon.

“I will deputize the Gypsy Jokers and the Mongols. I will put a Harley Davidson on every block. We will end crime that day, and I am not joking about that.” Sonnen said.

“They’re talking about school shootings? ‘Oh what are we gonna do? We gotta bring in all this money, we gotta have resource officers.’ I will deputize some good ol’ boys that I know, we will make this go away real fast.” he continued.

Could anything be more Trumpian?

Of course, Sonnen faces challenges. His past legal entanglements and occasional controversial statements may raise eyebrows. But Americans appreciate authenticity over the polished façades of the uniparty establishment.

They want leaders who speak their language, who understand their struggles and are actually willing to finally try and do something about it.

And that’s why celebrity candidates like Sonnen will likely be the future of the GOP… and the country.

Image: Title: chael sonnen