UN agency linked to Hamas terrorists nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

On Thursday, a Norwegian politician reportedly announced that he has nominated the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinians (UNRWA) for a Nobel Peace Prize, even after the agency was exposed for employing Hamas terrorists and had employees who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre of over 1,200 people in Israel.

Labour MP Asmund Aukrust told Dagbladet that he nominated UNRWA “…for its long-term work to provide vital support to Palestine and the region in general.”

Aukrust, who is vice-chairman of Norway’s parliament’s foreign affairs committee added, “This work has been crucial for over 70 years, and even more vital in the last three months.”

Last week, at least 10 countries including the US, UK, Germany, and Sweden suspended funding to the agency over accusations that 12 staff members were involved in the October 7 atrocities and that 10 percent of its Gaza employees, roughly 1,000 people, were linked to terrorist organizations.

Hamas weapons, missile launch sites, and terror tunnels have been found in UNRWA schools. Textbooks in the schools preach hatred of Jews. One of the 250 captives who was taken by Hamas on Oct. 7 and was recently returned claimed that she was kept prisoner in the attic of a UNRWA employee.

The Nobel Committee receives hundreds of nominations every year before the January 31 deadline and a nomination does not guarantee a prize.

On Thursday, Pro-Hamas activists took to the streets of DC to block traffic, demanding that the Biden administration reinstate the suspended funding for UNRWA.

Republican lawmakers are now proposing permanently cutting off funding to the agency.

Image: Title: unrwa oct 7