JACK POSOBIEC and GAVIN WAX: Why are Israeli politicians calling for the US to resettle Gazan refugees?

Jack Posobiec broke down a bombshell article from the Washington Post on his show, Human Events Daily, and invited the head of the New York Young Republicans, Gavin Wax, on to give his analysis.

In the article, Israeli politicians suggested the United States take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza.

“The world is on fire at this very moment,” Posobiec averred in his opening monologue.

He theorized that the proposed move was the plan of the US administration from the start, and questioned why Israel, with vast amounts of unoccupied desert in its Southern regions, couldn’t host refugees there. He said it was most likely also the plan of Israelis to “get rid of the Palestinians.”


Wax agreed that Israel, along with Egypt and other Arab nations should be the first to accept the refugees. He noted that having 2 million Gazan Palestinians come to the United States would be “ridiculous.”

Both suggested that this mindset from the Israeli politicians must come from the fact that the US has taken refugees before and has let millions of illegal immigrants enter undocumented in the country through the open Southern border.

This, they said, is precisely why there are so many issues happening on American soil at present with drug addiction, homelessness, unemployment and inflation on the rise. Taking in Palestinian refugees on top of this would not only be senseless, but would fuel the ever-growing anti-Israel, pro-Hamas ideologies in the US right now.

Posobiec noted that thinking all refugees would be properly vetted is “ludicrous” and that “never before in history, has a serious nation invited in the population of another country that they were actively involved in hostilities against.”

Watch the full show below.

Image: Title: Poso Gavin Wax