UK men arrested for alleged hate crime of 'racially aggravated criminal damage' after building vandalized with red paint

On Thursday, the Metropolitan Police arrested two men on suspicion of "racially aggravated criminal damage" after a building in London's Piccadilly neighborhood was vandalized with anti-Israel slogans and blood-red paint.

The building at 1 Eagle Place is home to Leonard United Kingdom, one of the country's top aerospace companies, and a major supplier of defence and security equipment to the Jewish state.

"Two men have been arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage, which we are investigating as hate crime," the Met said in a post on X, explaining that, "messages about the conflict between Israel and Hamas have been painted onto the building in red paint, which has also been thrown at it."

"We have no tolerance for graffiti with a hate connotation in London," they added.

One of the two men had climbed onto the canopy above the building, however he was "safely removed by officers" and taken into custody, along with his alleged accomplice.

An anti-Israel group called Palestine Action took responsibility for the attack, admitting that its members had occupied and spray-painted the office building and Britain's foreign office on the 106th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the creation of a Jewish state.

The group describes itself as a "direct action network dismantling British complicity with Israeli apartheid," and has been connected with a number of high-profile attacks in the UK.

Via its website, prospective law breakers can attend workshops on "arrest preparation."

"This workshop was set up to provide an overview on everything to do with the direct action we take against Zionist complicity here in Britain," the description states, noting that it will describe the numerous direct actions people can take to "disrupt, and ultimately close down, every link on the chain of Palestinian opression here on British soil."

"These companies are war criminals," one of the suspects said while being arrested, adding, "Israel is a terrorist state."

Earlier, the other suspect claimed that the UK was "complicit in genocide."

Image: Title: MetPolice