Formerly respected magazine Vanity Fair targets Elon Musk with disgusting KKK smear

The once-respected magazine Vanity Fair has now devolved into political hysterics over the recent revelation that Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) intends to offically announce his 2024 presidential run during a conversation with Twitter CEO Elon Musk via Twitter Spaces on Wednesday at 6pm.

The outlet recently published a piece entitled "Report: Ron DeSantis Will Formally Announce His 2024 Bid With Elon Musk, Because Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available," which wrongly suggests that DeSantis has some kind of relationship with the KKK and its founder, David Duke. This comes soon after The Atlantic claimed that Twitter was suddenly a “right-wing social network" after Musk took over.

This comes fast on the heels of an article from The Atlantic, which was equally triggered by Elon Musk's commitment to free speech, and falsely accused him, of being far-right.

Of course, the hateful rhetoric used by the leftist outlet is par for the course, suggesting that Musk is a “neo-Nazi” simply because he supports the concept of free speech, something that the left seems to have forgotten is foundational to the essential functioning of the United States. But it is the meaningless, catch-all terms like “neo-Nazi” that the left so-often uses to alienate those who do not fall in line with their regressive worldview.

The outlet also seemed perturbed that the individual moderating the upcoming interview would be David Sacks, who is a friend of Musk. However, there was no mention of why the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will not make President Joe Biden debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which Joe Rogan has referred to as “not that democratic.” The irony is palpable.

While there may be a legitimate reason why Biden will not debate, it is also plausible that the DNC understands that Biden is not fit to participate in a full debate, where he would be without teleprompters and staff members to direct him on how to exit the stage.

DeSantis has reportedly been in talks with Musk for “the last few weeks,” and it has been made apparent that Musk is now not confident that former President Donald Trump could win a second term. However, in mid-March, Forbes reported that Musk believed Trump would win “by a landslide” if he was indicted, and he was, in fact, indicted. 

Vanity Fair claimed that the upcoming interview, with Musk’s 140 million followers, was sure to give DeSantis a “significant boost.” However, the outlet did not mention that, before Musk took over, left-leaning employees at Twitter were actively working with the US government to silence conservative voices. Matt Taibbi has laid out much of this underhandedness through his work on the Twitter Files.

The Vanity Fair piece concluded by saying that a “DeSantis presidency is as terrible a prospect as a Trump one,” offering nothing in the way of evidence or analysis. It seems odd that such a formerly prestigious outlet would sign on to spew meaningless terms like “neo-Nazi” at a political opponent before quickly signing off. 

It is, at the end of the day, the epitome of the leftist movement: one of vacuous morals and fully stocked with meaningless buzz terms meant to alienate and incite hatred, all in the name of regressive politics.

Image: Title: musk desantis vf