POSOBIEC: A Nuclear Missile Doesn't Care About Your Pronouns

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec laid out just how serious the situation has become in eastern Europe after the US Army's 101 Airborne Division was deployed on the continent for the first time in nearly 80 years.

The light infantry unit, nicknamed the Screaming Eagles, was featured on CBS News, where they and high-ranking military men deployed on a Black Hawk helicopter for an hour-long ride near the edge of NATO territory.

"The 101st Airborne, the US Screaming Eagles, they've deployed. They're in Romania, right on the borders of Ukraine," Posobiec said after playing a clip from CBS. "It's not just about defending NATO territory, they're fully prepared to cross over into Ukraine."

"That means fighting Russia directly. We also heard over the weekend, David Petraeus... He stated that they're potentially looking at a multinational non-NATO force that could move into Ukraine without the need for Article 5 invocation. They'd simply have these guys go around NATO, directly into Ukraine with a multi-national force of probably the US, probably Romanians... Probably the UK under Rishi Sunak... Because he'll do whatever they tell him to do," said Posobiec, mocking Sunak's views on global currency.

Article 5 refers to NATO's collective self-defense, meaning that an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all of NATO. Petraeus recently said that there could be a scenario that "would be so shocking and so horrific that the United States and other countries might react in one way or another, but as a force multinational led by the United States and not as a NATO force."

CBS News writes: "In all, about 4,700 soldiers from the 101st Airborne's home base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have been deployed to reinforce NATO's eastern flank."

"Do you see what's going on here?" said Posobiec. "It feels like we're on the brink of World War III, and no one seems to have asked any of the American people, the British people, Romanian people, whether that's something that they want."

Posobiec then suggested that some of the money that was being sent to Ukraine could find a worthy negotiator. "Could we maybe, I don't know—If we're sending over $80 billion... What if we sent $79 billion in aid, and we pull back that one billion and, I feel like a billion dollars could probably be able to hire us some pretty good negotiators? I don't know what the going rate for negotiators is for avoiding nuclear war, but I feel like a billion dollars would get us someone pretty top-notch. Someone better than Darrell Brooks up there defending himself in Waukesha. That's one end of it and the top end would be Reagan at Reykjavik," said Posobiec, referring to the Reykjavic Summit between US President Reagen and Soviet Union General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. "Somewhere towards that level, that we could actually get negotiated in. "

"Do you think that a billion dollars would be worth that? There has to be some diplomat that could help us out. What's Trump doing? Appoint Donald Trump, and send Dennis Rodman over just for fun, it'll get attention. Let them negotiate. You can go to somewhere neutral, you can go to Turkey, whatever. Negotiate," he said.

"We're sitting there on the brink of World War III with Russia... You've got US Army soldiers and a CBS correspondent, and officers talking like this is just another day at work... Do you understand how [fighting the Russians] goes? The implications of playing a game of chicken with nuclear power?"

"This is why in years past, we wouldn't do this publicly, out front. Say what you want about pronouns, a nuclear missile doesn't care what your pronouns are, or what gender you think you are. A nuclear missile doesn't care about TikTok stars going to the White House," Posobiec said, referring to self-identified trans "bimbo" Dylan Mulvaney, who met with President Biden earlier this week.

"Because a nuclear missile drops and we're all dead... Every man, woman, and child within that megaton radius and they're acting like it's all some game. Like it's all just a big game of chess. No, shut up. Every single one of you shut up. Go back to the negotiating table right now, because you're going to ratchet this up... and eventually it's going to lead to something absolutely horrific for everyone involved," he concluded. 

Image: Title: Poso Nuke