House Republicans Introduce Resolution to Remove Kamala Harris from Border Czar Role

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  • 03/02/2023

Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson introduced a resolution Thursday to remove Kamala Harris from her role as border czar. 

The resolution has 26 co-sponsors. 

“Instead of working for the America people, Kamala Harris has worked against us by ignoring her responsibilities as Border Czar. Rather than doing her job, Harris sits back and watches as illegal immigration skyrockets, countless people at home and abroad are victimized by drug and human trafficking, and CBP officers are left without resources or support from the Biden Administration. Make no mistake - Harris’ approach is by design, and she must be stopped,” Jackson told the Daily Caller. 

“It is past time for Joe Biden to remove her from the Border Czar role and appoint someone who will put Americans’ interests first. A nation without borders is no nation at all. We need a real leader at the helm who will secure our southern border, and, in-turn, our country’s bright future. A single canned photo op and pointless foreign trips to Northern Triangle countries on the taxpayers’ dime are not cutting it. I urge Speaker Pelosi to bring my resolution to the House Floor immediately, for the American peoples’ sake,” Jackson continued.

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