POLL: Majority of Americans Unhappy with Biden’s Immigration Policies

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  • 03/02/2023

According to a new poll, the majority of Americans are unhappy with Biden’s current immigration policies. 

The Gallup poll released Monday found that 58 percent of surveyed Americans are dissatisfied with the current level of immigration, compared to 34 percent who are satisfied. 

“This marks an eight-percentage-point increase in dissatisfaction since last year and a return to the 2019-2020 range,” Gallup said. 

The poll also found that since Biden took office, dissatisfied Americans are more likely to favor less immigration, per Just the News. 

“Last year, those dissatisfied were about equally as likely to favor an increase as a decrease, but now the predominant view among the dissatisfied is for less immigration,” Gallup said. “The proportion who want less immigration has nearly doubled from 19% in 2021 and is well above where it was in 2019 (23%) and 2020 (25%). At the same time, calls for more immigration into the country have dropped.” 

The poll was conducted from January 3rd through the 16th and found dissatisfied Independent voters are much more likely to favor a decrease in immigration. 

Indeed, 69 percent of Republicans are dissatisfied with immigration and would like to see it decreased, while 15 percent do not have a preference and three percent favor an increase. 

A majority of democrats, on the other hand, are satisfied with immigration. 

However, “those who are dissatisfied are about evenly divided in their preferences for each of the three options. Dissatisfied independents are more than three times as likely to say they would like it to be decreased rather than increased.”

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