Stuart Scheller Discharged from Marines: ‘Unfortunately for them, the War Isn’t Over’

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  • 03/02/2023

Lt. Col. Scheller, the United States Marine who was arrested for posting public criticism of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, has been officially discharged from the Marine Corps. 

As previously reported by Human Events News, Scheller endured pretrial incarceration, defamation and was issued a letter of reprimand and a forfeiture of $5,000 worth of pay for one month after pleading guilty to all charges. 

The letter of reprimand was less than what was recommended. Prosecution recommended a forfeiture of $5,000 of pay for 6 months and a letter of reprimand. The maximum penalty, meanwhile, could have been forfeiture of ⅔ monthly pay for a year and a letter of reprimand.

During his incarceration, Scheller was subjected to a gag order, but now that he is a civilian, he’s planning a “blitz.” 

“Out of respect to my senior leaders, I haven’t done a single interview since this began. But now it’s my turn. My television media blitz starts with Tucker Carlson on 4 January,” Scheller wrote on Facebook. 

“The war isn’t over,” he said.  

Scheller vowed to make at least one social media post a day ahead of his interview with Carlson, comparing his situation to George Washington’s first major victory in the Revolutionary War, BizPacReview reports.

“Was it worth it?,” he continued. “Well … unfortunately for them … the war isn’t over. I think we just arrived at a turning point. The old system underestimated US then … and they underestimate US now.”

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