Boston Bans Unvaccinated Individuals from Restaurants, Entertainment Venues

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  • 03/02/2023

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announced Monday the implementation of a vaccine passport for restaurants and other indoor venues. 

Individuals over the age of 12 will be required to provide proof of vaccination for indoor venues including restaurants, fitness centers and entertainment venues beginning on January 15, the Daily Caller reports. All city employees will also be required to prove vaccination status unless given a medical or religious exemption. 

“Vaccines are the most powerful tool we have to fight this pandemic,” Wu said in a press release. “Vaccination saves lives, and closing vaccination gaps is the best way to support and protect our communities, businesses, and cultural institutions during this pandemic.” 

“The vast majority of COVID-related hospitalizations are of unvaccinated individuals, which is impacting our entire healthcare system and compromising the health of our communities,” Wu added. 

The announcement comes as Boston has seen an 89 percent spike in COVID-19 cases compared to two weeks ago. Daily new cases in the city are averaging 369, per the press release. 

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