Disney Is Not Investigating Handling of ABC Sexual Assault Allegations

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  • 03/02/2023

Walt Disney Company is not pursuing an investigation into how the network handled sexual-assault allegations against the former top producer of ABC News’ “Good Morning America.” 

The executive producer, Simone Swink, said during a meeting on Monday that an outside probe into Michael Corn’s departure as senior executive producer of the morning news program “is not happening at this time.” 

If you aren’t familiar, Corn was accused of sexually assaulting a current and a former ABC News staffer in two separate incidents, both of which he denied. 

Kim Godwin, the president of ABC News told staff last month that she requested an independent probe into the allegations, the Wall Street Journal reports. The decision to not move forward with an investigation was mentioned to the top staffers in a meeting last Friday held by Peter Rice, Disney’s chairman of general entertainment content. . 

“Peter said it was beyond his sphere of influence to ask for an outside investigation of the Walt Disney Company,” Swink said. 

Swink said that because the company is not in the midst of active litigation, her understanding is that “nothing is going to be done.” 

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