Biden Signs Order Allowing Some Hong Kong Residents to Remain in U.S.

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  • 03/02/2023

On Thursday, Joe Biden signed an order granting some Hong Kong residents safe haven in the United States rather than a return to their home.

Residents who qualify for the program will receive an 18-month work permit and a reprieve from deportation, the Wall Street Journal reports. 

“This action demonstrates President Biden’s strong support for people in Hong Kong in the face of ongoing repression by the People’s Republic of China, and makes clear we will not stand idly by as the PRC breaks its promises to Hong Kong and to the international community,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement.” 

Indeed, Hong Kong is facing its worst political battle in decades, as China has tightened its grip on the territory and denied residents basic human freedoms. 

Biden’s order is estimated to help thousands of individuals.  

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