In another instance of selective bigotry, women’s health and civil liberties author Naomi Wolf had her Twitter account suspended and YouTube channel frozen after questioning the COVID-19 vaccine side-effects, lockdowns and Anthony Fauci.
In response, she’s considering a lawsuit.
“It’s premature to give details but I am in discussion with a legal team about a lawsuit against Twitter,” she told the Epoch Times. “I’ve also been approached by another legal team about joining a class action lawsuit against several social media platforms.”
She wasn’t given any explanation as to what caused the suspension, despite reaching out to the platforms multiple times.
Instead of giving a reasonable explanation, Twitter told the media that she was spreading vaccine misinformation, which she considers defamatory.
Shortly after her suspension from Twitter, YouTube blocked her from accessing her channel, called “Daily Clout,” without explanation.
Over the last year, the channel focused heavily on COVID-19 lockdown criticism and vaccine passports.
Wolf said she’s read the terms of service of both Twitter and YouTube and isn’t aware of any violations.
To no surprise, within a few days of Wolf’s suspensions, several media outlets ran stories calling her “anti-vaccine.” She called the reports “extremely inaccurate” and “defamatory,” calling the media posts “way out of context.”