Indiana AG Launches Investigation into Five Big Tech Companies Over Conservative Censorship

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  • 03/02/2023

The battle against Big Tech continues, as Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita announced Wednesday he has launched an investigation into five companies for their censorship of conservatives.

Per a statement from Rokita’s office, the investigation is focused on whether the companies “potentially harmed Indiana consumers through business practices that are abusive, deceptive and/or unfair.”

“In particular, Attorney General Rokita is proving methods by which the companies have limited consumers’ access to certain content - often deleting or obscuring posted material reflecting a politically conservative point of view,” the statement said. “Such manipulation prevents consumers from making informed choices.”

“In a free society, few assets are more important to consumers than access to information and the opportunity to express political viewpoints in meaningful forums,” Rokita said. “It is potentially harmful and unfair for these companies to manipulate content in ways they do not publicly discuss or that consumers do not fully understand.”

The investigation, which targets Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter, also includes actions taken by attorney Vanita Gupta - Biden’s far-left nomination for associate attorney general - to “encourage the companies to censor conservative viewpoints.”

The statement urged that Gupta “has allegedly met with Facebook and Twitter executives to urge ‘more rigorous rules and enforcement’ to use her own words as quoted in Time.”

“Gupta, according to the Time article, stressed that it was important for social media platforms to be ‘tagging things and taking them down,” the statement added.

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