Who Wrote the Mueller Report?

  • by:
  • 08/21/2022

We all owe the Democrat Party of America another thank you.

Hot off the backs of making ‘the Squad’ their public faces for the 2020 campaign, Democrats handed President Trump and conservatives another victory today in the form of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congressional committees.

Democrats who expected a fiery Bob Mueller to recommend impeachment of the 45th President of the United States were already setting themselves up for a fall.

Mueller, as many observers noted, seemed unfamiliar with much of his own report, steadily falling into a pattern of refusing to answer questions, or simply endorsing the findings of the report which has already been public for three months.

After the report’s release, Mueller alongside Attorney General Bill Barr put out a rare joint statement which affirmed the fact that the Special Counsel was not in a position to offer a determination over whether or not President Trump had committed any crimes per the scope of the Russia investigation.

In other words, Democrats who expected a fiery Bob Mueller to recommend impeachment of the 45th President of the United States were already setting themselves up for a fall.

Democrats — alongside Democrat-funded neoconservative activist Bill Kristol — have spent weeks building up Mueller’s reputation in the public sphere. Left-leaning congressmen and women heaped praise upon the former FBI director in advance of, and during his testimony.

[caption id="attachment_179831" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Robert Mueller Testifies Robert Mueller Testifies (C-SPAN)[/caption]

But Mueller himself chipped away at that throughout the process today.

He looked tired, he sounded confused, and more than anything else, he seemed totally unprepared. Some have begun to speculate as to whether or not he read his own report before attending the hearing.

[Mueller] looked tired, he sounded confused, and more than anything else, he seemed totally unprepared.

But it was Mueller’s response in reaction to questions about the Fusion GPS-Christopher Steele dossier originally published by Buzzfeed that shone the greatest light on Mueller’s motivations.

While accepting he was unimpeded over the course of his $25m, two-year investigation, he refused to comment on the origin of the whole thing: the Steele dossier.

He even said he wasn’t familiar with the opposition research firm (Fusion GPS) retained by anti-Trump Republicans and the Democrat Party/Clinton Campaign.

More to the point, Mueller refused to answer as to why neither Steele nor Mifsud, with their links to Western and Russian intelligence, were pursued further or even charged if they lied.

[caption id="attachment_179829" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Fusion GPS Russia-Trump Dossier Fusion GPS Russia-Trump Dossier[/caption]

One of the most revealing exchanges was between Mueller and Florida congressman Matt Gaetz:

“Director Mueller, can you state with confidence that the Steele dossier was not part of Russia’s disinformation campaign?” asked Gaetz.

“Uh, uh, I said, uh uh, in my opening statement, uh, that, uh, part of the, uh, building of the case was predated me by at least ten months,” Mueller replied, leading Gaetz to blast back: “Yeah, and Paul Manafort’s alleged crimes regarding tax evasion predated you, and you had no problem charging him”.

“That’s beyond my purview."

Gaetz went on: “[Christopher] Steele reported to the FBI that senior Russian foreign ministry figures, along with other Russians, told him that there was, and I’m quoting from the Steele dossier, ‘extensive evidence of conspiracy between the Trump campaign team and the Kremlin... So here’s my question, did Russians really tell that to Christopher Steele or did he just make it all up and was he just lying to the FBI?”

“That’s beyond my purview,” Mueller responded.

“No, it is exactly your purview, Director Mueller, and here’s why,” Gaetz went on, “only one of two things is possible, right. Either, Steele made this whole thing up, and there were never any Russians telling him of this vast criminal conspiracy that you didn’t find, or Russians lied to Steele.”

“Now, if Russians were lying to Steele to undermine our confidence in our duly elected President, that would seem to be precisely your purview because you stated in your opening that the organizing principle was to fully and thoroughly investigate Russia’s interference, but you weren’t interested in whether or not Russians were interfering through Christopher Steele”.

Mueller’s responses throughout his day-long testimony were similarly vague, confused, and standoffish.

He even forgot which president nominated him U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. Not a life changing moment one easily forgets.

Either Mueller was cracking under pressure or stress, or he has not been fit for purpose throughout his oversight of the Russia investigation.

Given Mueller’s inability to answer so many questions, and his lack of familiarity with the report itself, the question must now be asked: Who DID write the Mueller report?

And given Mueller’s inability to answer so many questions, and his lack of familiarity with the report itself, the question must now be asked: Who DID write the Mueller report?

The ex special counsel refused to be drawn on who was fired from his team of lawyers — of whom many happened to donate over $60,000 in total to Hillary Clinton and Democrat candidates. He refused to elaborate on the actions and firings of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page — the FBI lovers who pledged to bring down Donald Trump. He didn’t even want to get into how his team was picked.

All of these details are pertinent to the $25m investigation, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer, which has driven a wedge through the nation for two years and the contents of which have hampered the U.S. government for three.

So thanks for showing Mueller up, dear Dems.

But the question must be answered: who wrote the Mueller report, and why have the shadowy, intelligence figures lurking in the background of this entire saga been left unchallenged?

Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of Human Events
