I Was ‘AOC Press’ On Twitter. Then They Banned Me.

On Monday evening I was removed from Twitter. I still don’t really know why. I have my suspicions, but no one’s really tried to explain it to me.

  • by:
  • 09/21/2022

On Monday evening I was removed from Twitter. I still don’t really know why. I have my suspicions, but no one’s really tried to explain it to me.

I run the parody ‘AOC Press’ account, which had over 80,000 followers. It was pretty funny, even if I do say so myself.

This is election interference.

The fact is as we move closer to the 2020 election, a number of high-profile, high follower, conservative accounts are being banned. In total, we have lost access to millions, maybe even tens of millions of impressions over the past few days. This is election interference.

I’m not going to get into legislative proposals, or the theory behind the Communications Decency Act, nor the idea that platform access should be a civil right. Smarter people than myself have opined at length on these subjects.

What I want to make clear is my dismay at not just the procedural failings the social media giants have displayed over the past few days, but also the philosophical disparity with which they act, considering they are at the end of the day American companies which have benefitted from all things American. Now they want to take that away from the rest of us.

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Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc rule the roost in Silicon Valley. To some extent they compete with one another, but they also effectively act as a cartel. Neither trust-buster Teddy Roosevelt, nor Reagan – who broke up the telecoms monopoly – would abide this. There is something adverse and inherently at odds with Americanism with how these corporates are behaving. And who could blame them?

They’re not led by thought leaders, or responsibly business people who have been around for decades and understand their real social and societal responsibilities. These are companies that grew out of chances taken by young idealists. There’s nothing wrong with that either, until you realize these people were products of hyper-liberal educations, and who have succumbed to the liberal, Hollywood mindset that pervades in California.

It is at this juncture they become dangerous – the very charge they level at people like Paul Joseph Watson and me.

Message to Jack and Zuck: you’re forcing us to get our s**t together to fight back against you. So, thanks, I guess?

I don’t know if it was because I was *too* funny… too “on the nose” with my parody of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or not. But it certainly seems these platforms are intervening on behalf of Democrats in an attempt to stack the decks next year.

Today, the President’s favorite meme-maker, Carpe Donktum, lost access to his Twitter account for 12 hours. These attempts to silence and stifle MAGA types will surely end in disaster. Message to Jack and Zuck: you’re forcing us to get our s**t together to fight back against you. So, thanks, I guess?

Now I just hope President Trump is ready for the fight his base is already taking part in.

It’d be silly to say we’re disappointed with the lack of action so far, given this has been going on for years. But I hope and pray the President has a plan. He seems to have had one for everything else in his term so far, so I don’t doubt there’s something bubbling beneath the surface.

The thing is, if he doesn’t, it’s not just his supporters and his election chances that are screwed: it’s America.

Incursions into our God-given, natural rights will be met with fierce resistance.

This is a nation which reveres, at its core, the rights of individuals to express themselves politically, lawfully.

Incursions into our God-given, natural rights will be met with fierce resistance. Because if we don’t keep the flame of liberty alive, no other nation right now in the world will. And that is a responsibility towards mankind that we simply will not let Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey trounce.



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