Who’s Liberal Enough to Fill Rosie’s Seat?

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  • 03/02/2023

Conservatives claimed victory when Rosie quit "The View", while her tin-foil hat friends at 9/11 “Truth” took it as a sign that the Bush Administration also controls ABC programming. At the True Colors concert on Sunday night, Rosie found yet another group to blame. She told the crowd, “I got to tell you, I've been hanging around with those heteros for a full year and it's not fun. Turn around one minute and they'll stab you in the back with a high heel. They will."

You read it here first - the entertainment industry is run by Republicans and heterosexuals!

Following Rosie O’Donnell’s departure from "The View", rumors abound on which D-List celebrity will take her place. Names being thrown in the mix include Kathy Griffin, Gayle King and Roseanne Barr. However, several entertainment publications are putting their money on actress Whoopi Goldberg. An unnamed source from the show told AHN, “As far as everyone at ABC is concerned, [Whoopi] has the job. While Kathy was a strong contender, Whoopi has won everyone over. Everyone is acting like Whoopi already has the gig… She also is liberal and outspoken but not crazy like Rosie was. She will be a perfect fit as far as the ladies on "The View" are concerned.”

Whoopi Goldberg last raised the ire of conservatives when she spoke at a fundraiser for then-presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004. Whoopi’s profanity-laced routine about President Bush’s last name was short on punch lines (unless you’re a 12-year-old boy in sex ed class). Making fun of the President’s last name is lamer than making fun of Whoopi’s first name. Karen Johnson voluntarily changed her name to “Whoopi,” so some may say that’s worse. That night Kerry unintentionally provided the funniest line at his star-studded fundraiser when he told the audience that they “conveyed the heart and soul of our country.”

To her credit, Whoopi is a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel’s "Hannity & Colmes" and "The O’Reilly Factor". While many left-leaning entertainers keep themselves insulated from opposition, at least she’s willing to go out into mainstream America and state her views. By contrast, the mild-mannered Elisabeth Hasselbeck doesn’t back down against Rosie, who then goes running to the True Colors Tour, a concert highlighting “the issues facing the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.” Thanks to Rosie, "The View" is better known for its 20 minutes of “Hot Topics” and the rest of the show has been forgotten (say, what is the rest of the show?).

In 2006, Whoopi talked about her political views, including foreign policy and WMDs on "Hannity & Colmes". However, while Whoopi may talk about political issues, she draws the line when it comes to Ann Coulter making any jokes, goading “Is Ann Coulter a comic?” Perhaps Whoopi just can’t stand the competition. On Condoleezza Rice, Whoopi said, “Every time I see her get off Air Force One, it looks like she just got some.” Whoopi is an equal-opportunity comedienne - she attacks, I mean jokes, about white and black conservatives!

What The View producers have learned from Rosie’s rants against the Bush administration is that they can insulate themselves from criticism if they use a comedienne to spout the same leftist views promulgated by the 9/11 conspiracy theorists. They’ll say, “Oh she was just joking!” However, that’s an increasingly hard excuse to make for unfunny comediennes. In fact, many forget that it was Rosie’s cohost and fellow stand-up comic Joy Behar who originally stirred the fire that fateful morning when she began reading off a list of reasons to impeach President Bush. It’s no surprise that comediennes like Kathy Griffin and Roseanne Barr are also rumored contenders for the show. Kathy Griffin routinely attacks conservatives in her stand-up act. In her latest special on Bravo, she talks about Mel Gibson saying, “I’m so glad that right-wing homophobe went down.”

It doesn’t matter who fills Rosie’s seat on "The View". It will continue to be a squawk box for menopausal liberals - and “poor little” Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Rosie’s career will continue, be it at the next gay and lesbian parade or on the "Price Is Right". In her video blog this week, Rosie said she would rather talk to regular people than to celebrities. I’ll second that. It’s only a matter of time before she finds a way to connect “Plinko” with building 7 at the World Trade Center. Earlier this year Whoopi told Bill O’Reilly, “When I take a stance on something, all I can talk to you about it how I feel about it and why. And I don't have to justify it, and you don't have to listen to it.” Remember that last part, America.
