The Deepfake Wars have begun

On this episode of Human Events Daily, Jack Posobiec is once again reporting from CPAC! First, he breaks down the "deepfake wars" that have begun, as the left continues to melt down over Poso's “precreation” of President Biden announcing the DRAFT!

  • by:
  • 03/08/2023

On this episode of Human Events Daily, Jack Posobiec is once again reporting from CPAC! First, he breaks down the "deepfake wars" that have begun, as the left continues to melt down over Poso's “precreation” of President Biden announcing the DRAFT!

On this episode of Human Events Daily, Jack Posobiec is once again reporting from CPAC! First, he breaks down the "deepfake wars" that have begun, as the left continues to melt down over Poso's “precreation” of President Biden announcing the DRAFT! Plus, Poso delves into Nina Jankowicz's efforts to sue Fox after losing her position at the "Ministry of Truth," because of Human Events Daily and Jack Posobiec’s unfiltered investigative reporting. Finally, Jack analyzes a recent poll by Rasmussen showing that 61% of people believe the federal government helped incite the Capitol riot, highlighting the ongoing tension and distrust between the public and federal institutions. All this and more ahead on Human Events Daily!

Image: Title: HE Daily


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