FrontPage Magazine Pope Francis recently released a new encyclical. Portions of it deal with environm...
I ask you quite sincerely, What is the moral difference between racially motivated abuses of power by...
Is the world back to where it was around the year 1800? One could come to that conclusion after readi...
"I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you."...
One of my friends jokes that U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts is a liberal. I used to laugh him off – ...
“Trying to minimize taxes too much is one of the great causes of really dumb mistakes in investing.” ...
Hillary Clinton???s reticence is drowning out her message, which is that she is the cure for the many...
The massacre of black churchgoers in Charleston by an evil psycho is a hideous thing. The case is esp...
There have been a lot of questions raised about the direction and speed of the global economy. The Gr...
In anticipation of the Supreme Court ruling of King v. Burwell in the next few days, Republicans are ...
On the Department of Commerce’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., an 1858 quote from Abraham Lincoln ...
A woman will be on the new $10 bill, bumping Alexander Hamilton aside. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew sa...
The University of California has been the subject of derision lately for its recent faculty seminars ...
Rachel A. Dolezal, the recently resigned president of the Spokane, Washington, office of the NAACP, h...