OLIVER GHORBANIFAR: They'll try to kill him again

From the minute he won the Republican nomination in 2016, the media and their deep state allies have been trying their very hardest to inspire someone to provide a ‘final solution’ to their biggest problem.

From the minute he won the Republican nomination in 2016, the media and their deep state allies have been trying their very hardest to inspire someone to provide a ‘final solution’ to their biggest problem.

On Saturday, July 13th, a would-be assassin took aim at former and future President Trump’s head and almost took it off. Literally, only centimeters separated the United States from disaster and potentially even the outbreak of civil war. The fact that the bullet only tore through his ear without causing any kind of deep wound is a genuine and legitimate miracle.

How the shooter was able to get into a perfect, elevated firing position that was only a few hundred yards away from the podium where Trump was speaking is currently unknown. It remains a mystery why snipers from Trump's security detail, who appeared in video footage from the event to have already had their eyes on the shooter, allowed him to fire first before neutralizing him. Equally baffling is why Trump’s secret service detail was so small, undersized to the point that Trump’s team had repeatedly requested it be expanded. The Biden administration deliberately and persistently rejected this request.

The bizarre coincidences, however, keep piling up, to the point where one would almost be tempted to conclude that something was going on here that wasn't exactly kosher, something perhaps even sinister.

The details of such a plot (if it indeed existed) currently remain a mystery. However, it is not a mystery that the Democratic establishment has been encouraging would-be assassins to try and take a shot at President Trump for years.

In fact, from the minute he won the Republican nomination in 2016, the media and their deep state allies have been trying their very hardest to inspire someone to provide a ‘final solution’ to their biggest problem. And all while maintaining plausible deniability.

From the constant and absurd comparisons of Trump to Hitler and other fascist dictators, to the lies of the Russiagate hoax, to the brutal violence of Floyd's "mostly peaceful" summer, to the insane slew of weaponized lawfare and indictments unleashed, the liberal establishment has given itself a single mission: stop Trump by any means necessary.

Thus, it's no surprise that, in their deepest panic, they are now lashing out violently.

Leftists, by both their ideology and nature, are collective creatures. Most of them exist within a larger liberal hive mind, especially in the age of social media.

And right now, the hive mind is terrified. The implosion of Biden on the debate stage and his subsequent descent into Alzheimer's-fueled madness, along with Trump's successful evasion of multiple indictments aimed at persecuting him and his family and ensuring his death in prison, have pushed the Democrats to the brink.

They know they're losing, and they're losing badly. Even before the attack on Trump, it was becoming increasingly clear to many in the party that they were on the road, not just to losing the election, but to a landslide loss of historic and perhaps unprecedented proportions. One that would see them lose not just the presidency but the House and Senate as well. 

Meaning that Trump, the man they have spent years convincing themselves is the second coming of Adolf Hitler, will have complete control of the U.S. government in just a few months. 

This reality will become even more terrifying to liberals in the wake of Trump successfully surviving the first attempt on his life, a fact many liberals were quite disappointed in after the fact. 

Thus, they really have no choice; they have to try again. After all, as the classic saying goes, “don’t swing at the king and miss.” If Trump does take office, he is now far more likely to pursue serious investigations of Democratic wrongdoing and corruption. Investigations which are likely to implicate figures at the very top of the Democratic Party’s hierarchy.

So, with over three months still to go in the campaign, it will be prudent to expect the worst. Absolutely everything in the liberal hive mind’s arsenal will now be thrown at Trump, with every mentally ill blue anon communist and freak available coming out of the woodwork to try their hand at taking down Trump before it's too late. 

This will be especially taxing on Trump’s Secret Service detail, who have now been exposed by Saturday's events as both understaffed and largely incompetent, meaning that if Trump and his family wish to stay safe, they will have to turn to private security to keep them safe going forward. 

Special care should also be taken to deal with unconventional threats, as the next attack is just as likely to come from explosive-laden drones as it is from the barrel of a rifle.

The radical Democrats have driven America to the brink of the abyss, and the question of when they will try once again to push us all over the edge is unfortunately now one of when and not if.

Image: Title: trump assassination


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