DAVID KRAYDEN: Trump hush money verdict is the Democratic Party’s attempt at a preemptive coup

Democrats today are not only more ruthless and vindictive, they are a great deal more delusional.

Democrats today are not only more ruthless and vindictive, they are a great deal more delusional.

It is both unnecessary and unprofitable to describe the recent conviction of former President Donald Trump by an apparently deaf and blind New York City jury as an outrage, a miscarriage of justice, too incredible for words or a violation of common sense.

I believe the Human Events Editorial Board said it best when they wrote:

“There is no need to waste time saying we are unconvinced by yesterday’s verdict in President Trump’s New York 'hush money' trial. Before it was even over, it was obvious that this trial was a contemptible joke.” 

The editorial went on to say how it “befuddles even legal experts” how Trump could have been convicted of a crime when no one can ascertain what that crime was.

The highlight of the trial must have surely been the testimony of a has-been porn actress – whose name I have chosen to forget – providing yet another version of her story of a sexual tryst with Trump. Like most pornography, it seemed laughably artificial.

This is all part of living in the real 1984, a dystopian and sinister world envisioned by George Orwell in 1948 but is happening right now as verdicts like this and policies from the Biden administration confirm daily.

But this trial and this conviction was more than an outrage; it was perhaps an example of how the Biden-controlled judiciary in this country is attempting to successfully execute the first preemptive coup in history

There is a brilliant U.K. miniseries titled “A Very British Coup” that documents how the London establishment takes down a popular prime minister through quiet but highly illegal backroom operations. 

Well, this is the Democratic National Committee’s attempt at A Very Democratic Coup – except the target has not yet been elected but is almost certain to be.

It is beside the point whether their coup will ultimately be successful; it only reveals the desperation, amorality and skullduggery of the Dems. 

And perhaps also their nagging naivete.

This coup will prove to be a crashing failure. America is not yet ready to roll over for a dictatorship nor sufficiently stupid to not know what game is being played here. 

If you need any confirmation that that verdict was a foregone conclusion and that Trump could have been accused of doing anything for a Democratic-inspired jury to reach that conclusion, just think of how prepared President Joe Biden was when reacting to the news that Trump actually objected to being found guilty of doing nothing wrong. Biden insisted that it’s “dangerous” for anyone to say that the trial was “rigged.”

So here you have a man who is perhaps the most singularly corrupt president in American history, a man who has been on the take for much of his lifetime political career, suggesting there is nothing wrong with this picture and Trump should just acquiesce to the punishment; just accept that although he did not profit from political office, he is guilty as charged for identifying the rampant cronyism that runs D.C. politics.

Well, of course it was rigged and perhaps only people in the deep clutches of dementia, as Biden is, could not discern that reality.

But there was a time in American history, and it wasn’t that long ago, that a Democratic president wouldn’t be quite so jubilant about his Republican predecessor facing potential jail for committing no crime because even Biden might be able to reason that if this could happen to Trump, it could happen to him – and it should, because Biden has surely earned some time in court.

The Democrats might once have actually suggested that American justice has gone horribly gone.

And if you doubt that this is a preemptive coup – as unsuccessful as it might be – remember the days after the resignation of President Richard NIxon for the Watergate scandal – a political and judicial sin that pales beside Biden’s egregious political stunts with his wayward son, Hunter. 

For years after he left the Oval Office, NIxon actually made lists of “The 10 Most Hate People in History,” and was routinely judged in polls as the worst president ever elected. 

But his successor, President Gerald Ford, pardoned NIxon for any criminal offenses that he might have committed and there was no extended pushback from the Democrats to prosecute Nixon or to test the parameters of the pardon: did it only cover NIxon’s acts while president or could he be charged for something he did as a private citizen or while he was vice-president, a senator or a congressman?

He did not spend the rest of his life dodging district attorneys intent upon finding some way to prosecute him. Clearly, the political establishment in those days recognized that prosecuting and persecuting NIxon for the rest of his life would not be in the national interest nor even in anyone’s best political interest. 

The difference of course is that if Trump is not re-elected as president, he could well be legally harassed for the duration of his time on earth and all on nuisance charges! We used to think that nuisance charges only amounted to lawfare but it is clear that under the new Democratic rules, these trumped-up [no pun intended] accusations could inevitably lead to jail time. 

But Democrats today are not only more ruthless and vindictive, they are a great deal more delusional.

It should be obvious to any neutral observer that this verdict has only added high-octane jet fuel to the Trump campaign and that most Americans are furious over the arrogance and spitefulness of Democratic justice and its demented overlord, Joe Biden. If Trump is sentenced to jail, he can run for president from his cell – and win. So we might have a presidential election contest of one candidate campaigning from a penitentiary while his opponent does so from his basement. But Americans will know that the former is not there by choice while the latter cannot linger in a public space for more than 15 minutes without imploding in embarrassment and disgrace.

The Democratic election machine may resemble the sinister machinations of the James Bond villain Ernst Blofeld but it can’t get past its own criminality and corruption. 

This is a coup that is doomed to failure. 

Image: Title: trump courtroom


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