JACQUELINE TOBOROFF: New York's cost of living should turn the state red

On a local, state, and federal level, Democrat governance has dealt a blow to working-class New Yorkers. The majority can’t afford basic needs such as housing, food, transportation, or health care. In addition to the supply chain issues creating rising costs, able-bodied New Yorkers have been forced to front woke financial albatrosses. Climate initiatives, reconfiguring institutions with DEI, and illegal immigrants are bankrupting struggling taxpayers. 

What's more, watching illegal immigrants stay for “free” at Manhattan luxury hotels, get e-scooters, legal aid, food, cigarettes, clothes, education, Medicaid, smartphones, and debit cards is infuriating the demographics Democrat politicians believe they own. Hispanics, blacks, moms, and blue-collar workers feel the manufactured financial pain more than most.

This is a huge deal. Bodega workers, construction workers, and minorities in New York City come out in support of Trump. When a single mom has to decide between food and electricity, a tectonic shift occurs. When a dad works at a bodega that is routinely looted and he is stabbed, then charged by DA Bragg for defending himself, he gets politically activated.

While in New York City for court appearances, Trump made a surprise visit to a Midtown Manhattan construction site. Hundreds of workers, including Teamsters Union members, chanted "USA, USA!" and "We Want Trump!" Trump said. "We have a good chance of winning New York. We are going to give it a shot." This isn’t hyperbole - this is math. New Yorkers can’t make ends meet. 60% are living paycheck to paycheck, paying higher prices for diminished goods, and their quality of life becoming increasingly worse. “What’s your message to Joe Biden?” a reporter asks a construction worker. “F*** you," he responds. This seems to be the consensus. 

The United Way of New York City has released a report on the true cost of living in New York City. It was a follow-up to the one it conducted in 2021 which measured the economic security of New Yorkers pre-COVID. Two years later, the findings reveal the financial reality of life under Democrat rule. 

Mothers are the most economically victimized by the Democrats. 80% of single moms with children are part of the total households below 50% that can’t afford food! Imagine how they feel seeing illegal immigrants given so much of it for “free”, that videos go viral highlighting the waste. “From Oct. 22 to Nov. 10, more than 70,000 meals were recorded by DocGo as being ‘wasted’. At $11 a meal, the maximum rate allowed by the contract, the wasted food for that 20-day period would cost taxpayers about $776,000, or about $39,000 a day,” per NYTimes. 52% of those married with children can’t afford health care! 65% of Hispanics struggle to pay their rent. 58% of black households are also making tough financial decisions. 

Per the findings, “households below the TCL (true cost of living) are remarkably diverse.” This is bad news for Biden, who is counting on Hispanics, blacks, suburban moms, as well as city moms trapped in Democrat hellscapes. The report crystalizes, New Yorkers are negatively impacted by city, state, and federal Democrat rule. The numbers don’t lie. 

The New York City True Cost of Living report also shows how fundamentally suicidal this concerted effort of inflicting pain on New Yorkers has been. Manhattan is the most expensive of all five New York City boroughs. For one adult and 2 school age kids, here is the monthly true cost of living: Approximately $8,000 in Manhattan, $7,600 in Brooklyn, $5,600 in Queens, $5,400 in Brooklyn, $5,100 in Staten Island, and $4,900 in the Bronx. 

Yet, New York City Mayor Adams and his administration not only “shelter dump” in Manhattan, they flood the most expensive area with illegal immigrants. The financial fallout isn’t even quantifiable yet - there’s no end in sight to our new neighbors and the ripple effect of outmigration from the tax base. Taking care of illegal immigrants, potentially for the rest of their lives, as well as their offspring, in Manhattan, puts additional drains on the coffers than if they were accommodated in the more affordable Bronx. 

All of the above is an election nightmare for Biden. But there’s more. 

The BLM “Summer of Love” in June 2020 is positioned to be rebranded as the “Summer of Hamas.” Jews make up 16% of New York City's population, making it the world's largest metropolitan Jewish community. Jews of New York City are under assault. From Biden to Schumer, encouraging the assault on Jews, and therefore on a significant part of the tax base, seems like a major miscalculation. Per a Pew Research Center report from 2021, “Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.” This is changing. Jews appear to be joining Hispanics, blacks, moms, and the evaporating middle class, 

With trends like that, New York City should turn red.

Image: Title: trump nyc