Iranian consulate in Syria destroyed by suspected Israeli airstrikes

On Monday airstrikes flattened the Iranian consulate in Syria's capital city of Damascus. They are suspected to be from Israel.  

According to a report from the Associated Press, the country of Syria is claiming that an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, resulting in a number of deaths and injuries of those in the building.  

Syrian state media station Al-Mayadeen said the strikes killed Iranian military adviser Gen. Ali Reza Zahdi. Zahdi previously led the Iranian elite Quds Force until 2016. He was also a leader in Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) 

At the time of the report, there was no confirmation about the strikes from the Iranian government. The Israeli government did not offer confirmation about the incident.  

"We do not comment on reports in the foreign media," an Israeli military spokesman told Reuters.  

The Syrian foreign minister called the airstrikes a "heinous terrorist attack," according to the Guardian, "that targeted the Iranian consulate building in Damascus killing a number of innocent people." 

According to the UK based outlet, the airstrike killed at least 5 others at the consulate.  

Tensions between Middle Eastern countries such as Iran and Syria have increased with Israel since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas. Iran has backed the terrorist group for years and also helped to plan the terrorist attack on the Jewish state.  

Israel has been suspected of making strikes against the countries allied with Iran as well as Hamas, including a recent strike killing several Syrian troops as well as Hezbollah terrorists.  

Image: Title: Iran